
- William
Blake Monday, 06-Jan-97 00:03:15 GMT William Blake--Artist and Poet
The Life of William Blake Explore the life of William Blake and the events
which led to his magnificent creations. William Blake--The Poet Blake's poetry
has touched the future--explore some of his works. William Blake--The ...
- Home Page for James Daugherty's
New Paradigms Project Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:35:39 GMT Home Page for:
New Paradigms Project -- A Winner of Point's Top 5% of the Web Award! DISCLAIMER!!!
You must read this before you explore this www site!!!! What is The New Paradigms
Project? My Internet Activities: Research Director for A-albionic Res...
- False Memory Syndrome Foundation
(FMSF) home page Sun, 28 Jun 1998 05:52:29 GMT FMSF F alse M emory
S yndrome F oundation What's New? (May 30, 1998) Check here to see what has
changed since your last visit. False Memory Syndrome What is FMS? False Memory
Syndrome Foundation Purpose, activities, and programs of the Foundation. Scienti...
- Alex Lessin Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:03:27
GMT [AOL/index.html]...
- Annex BBS Home Page Thu, 08 Oct
1998 21:41:59 GMT Welcome to The Annex! Annex is a multi-line "BBS" (Bulletin
Board System) with over 130 lines of both DIALUP and TELNET-IN Access. We
started our Electronic Community on January 12th, 1992 as an 8-line bbs, and
have grown into ...
- Deming’s Background
Sat, 11 May 1996 03:22:49 GMT Deming’s Background Bill McCarty Azusa
Pacific University Deming’s Background Deming’s Background, cont’d. The “Old”
Way (Shewart, 1929) The “New” Way (Shewart, 1929) What American Industry Brings
in the Most Dollars? Quick Fixes The Prison Compound Ob...
- Archetypal Mall Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:20:03
GMT Archetype (Är'kî-tîp') n . An original model after
which similar things are patterned. [Gk. arkhetupos , exemplary.]
- ar'che-typ-al (ti'pal) or ar' che-tip'ic (-tip'ik) or ar'che-typ'i-cal adj
. Mall (môll, mâll)...
- Search Argos
- B.O.T.A. School of Holy Qabalah and Sacred
Tarot Sun, 05 Jul 1998 20:37:44 GMT A Non-Profit Corporation Based
on the Mystical-Occult Teachings and Practices of the Holy Qabalah and Sacred
Tarot Founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case Extended by Dr. Ann Davies EXTENDS AN
- 302 Found Found The document
has moved here ....
- The Burgdorf Family's Home Page
Welcome to the home page of Darryl, Lydia Joy, Cassandra, Carl and Deirdre
Burgdorf: "Our Own Personal 15 Megabytes of Fame!" You're the 28,116th (97th
today) visitor to this page since January 1, 1997! Personal Links: Personal
Notes : Just who...
- AltaVista:
Translations Help - AltaVista Home Click Here To translate, type plain
text or the address (URL) of a Web page here: Translate from: English to French
English to German English to Italian English to Portuguese English to Spanish
French to English German to English ...
- The Autumn
Garden Friday, 17-May-96 15:56:02 GMT This page requires Netscape 2.0
or later or another comparable browser....
- Basic
Research Message Follow-Up: RE: Subject:Sleep Paralysis, Hypnogogic Trance
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 20:08:48 GMT RE: Subject:Sleep Paralysis, Hypnogogic Trance
Follow-Up posted by MC ( Mel0drama ) on 9:6:41 6/1/96 Follow-Up: Hi, Steven.
I do have some info for you. I also have had sleep paralysis episodes. My
experiences start with a floating/tingling sensation a...
- Breakup Girl 2.0 Viewing this page
requires a browser capable of displaying frames....
- Giordano
Bruno Tue, 02 Jul 1996 02:31:43 GMT Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) Giordano
Bruno the Nolan was an excommunicated Dominican friar who had developed an
art, science and philosophy which was a Hermetic interpretation of Copernicus
and Lucretius. Francis A. Yates, a primary intrepretor of Bruno...
- Augustine Fri,
02 Apr 1999 17:07:49 GMT Augustine dilige et quidvis fac This is the oldest
surviving portrait of Augustine, from the Lateran in Rome in the sixth century.
This page is an antique by Internet standards, going back to early 1994, when
Mosaic was the only graphical browser. It ac...
- Lilith Mon,
04 May 1998 13:04:52 GMT Lilith Information, pictures and links regarding
Lilith, the mythological first wife of Adam, and the feminine dark side of
the divine If your are reading this, your browser supports neither frames
nor META tags. Do not despair. Click Here to go to th...
- The
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola Tuesday, 15-Apr-97 01:55:57
AUTOGRAPH BY FATHER ELDER MULLAN, S.J. We have read everything compiled in
the volume: it has greatly pleased us and seemed remarkably conducive to the
salvation of souls. The Cardinal...
- The Ecole
Glossary The Ecole Glossary The Ecole Glossary contains short, 100-200
word glosses on topics relating to early Church history. These glosses are
intimately linked to the Ecole Chronology and to each other. Because we plan
to include several links in the glossary,...
- Steven Cranmer's Home Page
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:42:36 GMT Steven R. Cranmer The stars call & all the
planets And the purging fire of the moon And yonder is the cold silence of
cleansing night May the dawn break, & gates of day be set wide open. - W.
B. Yeats Basic Information I am an astrophysicist at the Har...
- The Internet
Classics Archive | The Six Enneads by Plotinus Fri, 03 Jul 1998 15:50:30
GMT Home Browse and Comment Search Buy Books and CD-ROMs Help The Six Enneads
By Plotinus Written 250 A.C.E. Translated by Stephen Mackenna and B. S. Page
The Six Enneads has been divided into the following sections: The First Ennead
- sequoia Fri, 21 May 1999 17:58:32 GMT
sequoia.pacweb.com multi-homing WN server and virtual host Aerial Press (aerialpress.com)
Alexandria (cosmopolis.com) Aquafuture (pillarrock.com) Batish Institute (batish.com)
Beat Magazine (technobeat.com) Blueberry Brain Institute (blueberry-brain.org)
- Magdalene Tue, 19
Nov 1996 21:13:06 GMT Adagio Magdalene Did you love him? You, born in the
gutter, Did you love the man born in a manger? You, whose mother was a whore,
Your father a lowlife, Did you love the son of a virgin and Almighty God?
Did you long to hold the man Whose back was striped...
- Modern Magic
- The Chaos Texts Sun, 15 Oct 1995 16:14:25 GMT These are texts either
directly or indirectly related to the work of A. O. Spare, Pete Carroll or
Fra U:. D:. or the IOT . A. O. Spare is felt by many to be the grandfather
of modern Chaos Magick. He was a famous illuminated artist, as well as magici...
- Self-help
& Psychology Self-Help and Psychology has moved! Won't you join us
at our new site ? About SH&P | Articles | Advertise | Bookstore | Classifieds
Dear SH&P | Discussion Zone | FAQ | Kids Korner | Links | Meditation Post
Cards | Professional | PsychToons | ...
Home Page Thu, 08 Apr 1999 17:24:32 GMT THE BERTRAND SOCIETY HOME PAGE
HAS MOVED! Click here for new location of BRS home page and I will update
it before too very long! Thank you, John R. Lenz...
- Books and alchemical
prints for sale Thu, 06 May 1999 14:02:56 GMT The Alchemy Web Bookshop
Alchemical and Hermetic books and CD-Roms for sale Most alchemical and hermetic
texts require long study and contemplation and many people find that this
is better achieved through a conventional book rather than by reading off
- German - English
On-line Dictionary German-English On-line Dictionary This is a mirror
of the LEO German <-> English Dictionary . It now contains more than
170,000 entries! Enter a word to search for: Max. Hits: 20 50 100 200 Notes:
Searches are case insensitive. You can use a ...
- Elder
Futhark Runes Mon, 24 Nov 1997 23:04:24 GMT All Rune Stones are Smoke
Fired in Oak and Herbs. Made from Natural Pottery and Polished in Pure Beeswax.
All Rune Stones contain Sarsen Stone, the mystic stone used to build Stonehenge.
Runes originated from the Nordic lands bequeathed by the Viking God...
- The Grail Page Sun,
10 May 1998 21:09:38 GMT " B ut whosoever drinketh of the water that I
shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall
be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." - J ohn 4:14
Note: This page is always under construction. Addit...
- Giordano
Bruno Sun, 06 Oct 1996 17:00:35 GMT Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) Filippo
Bruno was born in Nola, near Naples, the son of Giovanni Bruno, a soldier,
and Fraulissa Savolino. He took the name Giordano upon entering the Dominican
order. In the great Dominican monastery in Naples (where Thomas...
Banner Exchange Sun, 17 Jan 1999 18:46:44 GMT ESOTERICISM Banner Exchange
A Banner Exchange Program aimed at targeting people really interested in ESOTERIC
maters and bring them to your website......
- Egypt/Pyramids/Pharaohs/Hieroglyphs
- Mark Millmore's Ancient Egypt Fri, 05 Mar 1999 23:19:26 GMT "); //
--> You are visitor No. All Text & artwork is © Mark Millmore 1997.- 1998
Mark Millmore's Ancient Egypt Updated 5th March 1999 To join the web site
update mailing list enter your email address below, then click the 'Join List'
button: ...
- Hatshepsut - The
Woman Who Was King Tue, 08 Dec 1998 00:35:15 GMT The Woman Who Was
King Queen Hatshepsut's was the first great woman in recorded history: the
forerunner of such figures as Cleopatra, Catherine the Great and Elizabeth
I. Her rise to power went against all the conventions of her time. She was
the first ...
- The Beastbot
D o what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. When the organs of the
body assert their presence other than by silent satisfaction, every force
in the Universe comes into conflict with the order of the Universe, and suffers
accordingly the mechanical...
- Enochian
Temples Mon, 11 Mar 1996 13:50:04 GMT Enochian Temples by Benjamin
Rowe Copyright year, 1992 by Benjamin Rowe Permission is granted to distribute
this work in electronic form, with the these conditions: 1) No fees may be
charged for the distribution or transmission of this document, other tha...
- Golden Dawn
Cross Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:55:02 GMT Golden Dawn Cross This masterful
symbolic design was the central motif of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn. The Rose Cross within the center is surrounded by the three Mother Letters,
seven Double Letters, and 12 Simple Letters of the Hebrew alphabet...
- Labyrinthina - Labyrinths,
Sacred Journeys, Machu Picchu, Nazca and more... Mon, 24 May 1999 17:14:54
GMT Welcome to Labyrinthina! Enter the Maze......
- Homo Ludens,
Occult Wed, 21 Sep 1994 07:39:28 GMT Occult sites on the WWW This page
is concerned with Magic, Wicca, Pagan, and related issues on the Internet.
The generic name Occult is misleading on the Internet and might even be considered
insulting. On the internet, the practitioners of the occult ...
AND RECIPES Monday, May 24, 1999 Chocolate Raspberry Shortcakes Marinating
in Bags Jeffrey Nathan of Abigael's Short & Sweet Real Bogus bread in Wisconsin
Summer Cocktails for Cooling Down MAKE EPICURIOUS FOOD YOUR HOMEPAGE Eating
| Drinking ...
- We've
Moved! Sat, 03 Jan 1998 04:17:19 GMT PATHWAY TO DARKNESS HAS MOVED!!
- The Tao House Welcome To
The Tao House The Tao House is intended to be a window into Meaningfulness.Within
this ever-changing, mostly frustrating, and utterly perplexing world, it becomes
more and more difficult to ascertain significance and meaning.How do we unders...
- Caldron Crafts; Jewelers Tools and
Supplies; Rock Collecting; Beads; Tools For the Occult Sciences Site
FAQ | Search Our Site Rock Shop | Jewelers Tools | Beads | Wire Classes |
Instructional Videos | Books | Catalogs Pendants | Psychic Tools | Mineral
Specimens Goldpage Home Caldron Crafts is a woman-owned business with an eclectic
- Bible Browser
Basic Home Page Goon STG Home Goon Home Bible Browser Basic Advanced
Connector Documentation Versions Quran Browser About STG Welcome to the Bible
Browser Basic Home Page To view the biblical passage of your choice, enter
its book, ...
- Timken Museum: Magdalen
Master Thu, 01 May 1997 20:32:54 GMT Magdalen Master 1265-1290 Dossal
with Madonna and Child and Angels, and Twelve Scenes of the Passion c.1265-1290
tempera on panel 26 1/4 x 70 5/8 in. In medieval art, paintings were almost
always part of a larger work, for example, an illustration in a m...
- Enter The Anton LaVey page
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 16:37:22 GMT Make sure to re-load your browser 800x600
and Netscape/explorer 4.0 is recommended ...
- The Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn ® Mon, 15 Feb 1999 17:22:13 GMT Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden D...
- NM's Creative Impulse..Prehistory
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:36:43 GMT NM's Creative Impulse The Development of
Western Civilization I World History I Prehistory Contents Introduction History
People Places Events Resources General Human Origins - Evolution Dinosaurs
Art and Architecture Cave Paintings and Rock Art Sculpture ...
- "Weaver of the Web"
Page Wed, 10 Mar 1999 02:44:26 GMT "Weaver of the Web" Page Geomancy,
Consciousness and Origins What is the Earth Web? The Mother on the Earth Web
Quotes from the East What on earth is Geomancy? The IndraNet Surfing the Indranet:
The Digital Dharma of Lance Daybreak View Path G...
- EarthLink Network - Old Browser
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:02:21 GMT
- EarthLink Network - Old
Browser Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:02:21 GMT
- EarthLink Network
- Old Browser Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:02:21 GMT
- EarthLink Network
- Old Browser Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:02:21 GMT
- EarthLink Network
- Old Browser Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:02:21 GMT
- Lovecraft's
Necronomicon Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:35:29 GMT Great Cthulhu Lovecraft's
Necronomicon The Old Ones "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with
strange aeons even death may die." - Abdul Alhazred, Necronomicon (from H.
P. Lov...
- Cryptic
Manuscripts Mon, 23 Nov 1998 18:31:58 GMT Cryptic Manuscripts Sumerian
and Egyptian myths both relate how a god taught the art of writing and the
knowledge of science to mankind. Thoth , the Egyptian God of Wisdom was most
likely derived from even earlier Sumerian sources. Thoth was the god wh...
- Wicca the Power from Within
Sun, 09 May 1999 02:04:12 GMT This is a Java Applet ...
- Herodias Thu, 06
Aug 1998 17:04:49 GMT The Parsifal web pages have been relocated to: http://home.c2i.net/monsalvat/index.htm
Please update your bookmarks...
- Kundry Thu, 06 Aug
1998 17:05:06 GMT The Parsifal web pages have been relocated to: http://home.c2i.net/monsalvat/index.htm
Please update your bookmarks...
- He Is One Not As Other
Men Are Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:24:43 GMT HE IS ONE NOT AS OTHER MEN ARE
Elizabeth Patterson Before coming to Delhi, Meher Baba had remarked to his
disciples that they might see there a living saint who was one of his spiritual
agents. As the shrine of Nizam-ud-Din was known to be the tomb of a p...
- Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum.
Tue, 06 Feb 1996 18:11:33 GMT Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum. Ecclesia Gnostica
Mysteriorum. 3437 Alma no.23 . Palo Alto. CA 94306. California, Usa. The Church
. The Church was established in 1978. In 1983 it began operating under the
present name, Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum and it ...
- Gnosticism Thu, 05 Jun
1997 16:10:58 GMT Gnosticism. S.Angus: Mystery Religions and Christianity.
? S.Arai: Die Christologie des Evangelium Veritatis. Leiden, 1964. Rose Horman
Arthur: Feminine Motifs in eight Nag Hammadi documents. University Microfilms
Int. , Ann Arbor, MI, 1979. Geoffrey Ashe...
- The Gnostic Society
in Norway -- Index of Links Wed, 26 Feb 1997 22:29:19 GMT T he G nostic
S ociety . . . Index of WWW Resources on Christian Mysticism and Religion
Looking authentic scriptures, texts and documents? ...Check the Virtual Library
. Thomas Merton research Institute Emanuel Swedenborg and the New Jerusalem
- Gnostic Society Virtual Library
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 00:30:50 GMT The Gnostic Society Virtual Library
Recent additions to the Library Gnostic Materials in the Library The Nag Hammadi
Library. Pistis Sophia. The Books of the Saviour (Bruce Codex) Gnostic Scriptures
and fragments in translation. The Polemical works agai...
- The Commemoration of Holy
Mary Magdalene Tue, 22 Jul 1997 02:19:58 GMT THE COMMEMORATION OF MARY
MAGDALENE Be thou hallowed and respected! Honoured Apostle of the Apostles
Handmaid of the Charisthentha (work of Grace) - consort of our Holy Lord and
Redeemer Jesus Chr...
- Modern Gnosticism Thu,
25 Apr 1996 15:49:01 GMT Modern Gnosticism * marks aviable articles The
Ranters. The Rosicrucians.* Modern Hermetics. The Martinist Order. L`Eglises
du Gnostique universielle. Jacob Boehme, Gnostic Mystic.* William Blake, prophet,
poet and visionary. Theosophy. Antrophosophy Carl...
- The Mysteries of Sophia
- Articles Tue, 11 Mar 1997 00:01:02 GMT The Mysteries of Sophia Articles
The Redemption of Sophia by Terje Dahl Bergersen Sophia, Mother of Wisdom
by Zos Imos The descent of Sophia A Gnostic Homily by Rev. Steven Marshall
The Psalm of Wisdom...
- Seven Gates No,
I'm not offended by the philosophical implications of Quantum Theory, by people
who celebrate the Equinoxes at unchristian coordinates in Space and Time and/or
by chapter 69 of The Book of Lies . Yes, open the Gate! Well,...
- THORSHOF Wed, 19 May
1999 21:12:55 GMT THORSHOF In Association with Fealcen Stow and Midgard's
Web Welcome to Thorshof Last updated 19.5.99 Thorshof is the Norse word for
a temple of Thor, the best loved god of the pagan Icelanders. The articles
on this site cover the most popular cults of th...
- Wiccan & Pagan Information
Site Sorry, Hometown AOL requires you to use a frames enabled browser.
Click here to see this page without frames....
- KVC Booksellers Online
Sorry, Hometown AOL requires you to use a frames enabled browser. Click
here to see this page without frames....
- Enochian MSS
Introductory bibliography of Enochian and diary MSS of John Dee compiled
by Rafal T. Prinke (rafalp@amu.edu.pl) You may find a mirror copy of this
document at the OIT site (based on Peter French's bibliography, some comments
come from the bibliography co...
- Science in Poland -
Maria Sklodowska-Curie Sat, 10 Apr 1999 00:25:06 GMT Maria Sklodowska-Curie
1867-1934 Deutsch Version UK mirror Maria Sklodowska-Curie became the first
Pole to receive a Nobel Prize. Maria (Marie Fr. ) Sklodowska-Curie (born in
Warsaw, Poland, on November 7, 1867) was one of the first woman scientists
to w...
Project: French-English Dictionary Form Tue, 30 Jun 1998 16:16:33 GMT
ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form New!! The ARTFL Project and
MICRA, Inc. are developing Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (G & C.
Merriam Co., 1913, edited by Noah Porter). Look up SINGLE words in a simple
French English Dictionary c...
- ARTFL Project:
ROGET'S Thesaurus Search Form Thu, 04 Jun 1998 21:32:02 GMT ARTFL Project:
ROGET'S Thesaurus Search Form New!! Robert Parks and the ARTFL Project are
pleased to release our initial implementation of the Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
. New!! The ARTFL Project and MICRA, Inc. are developing Webster's Revis...
- CyberSamhain Home Page
CyberSamhain Late News! Joe's Digital Diner is SOLD OUT for the night of
the CyberSamhain. Life on the Water is at 3435 Army Street #222 in the Mission
District. Dinner begins at 5:30 PM. The performance will begin at approximately
7:30 PM. Ritual will ...
- Orgone Biophysical
Research Lab Sat, 07 Nov 1998 05:16:47 GMT Symbol of Orgonomic Functionalism
Embracing the Earth (© 1996) Welcome to the ORGONE BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY,Inc.
HOME PAGE Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (© 1996) A Non-Profit Science Research and Educational
Foundation, Since 1978 Building Upon the Discov...
- kahlil Gibran
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:57:00 GMT Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931 Poet, philosopher,
and artist, was born in Lebanon, a land that has produced many prophets. The
millions of Arabic-speaking people familiar with his writings in that language
consider him the genius of his age. But he was a man who...
- Gnostic Christianity and
the Sun, 16 May 1999 23:37:00 GMT Myth of Sophia Gnostic Christianity
and the Myth of Sophia by Bette Stockbauer In 1945, near the banks of the
River Nile, a jar was unearthed which contained one of the richest manuscript
finds of modern history -- the Nag Hammadi codices. Like the Dead...
- Lupus Foundation of America
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 23:31:47 GMT CFC#0533 Thank you Federal Employees and
Military Personnel for your continued support of the Lupus Foundation of America
through the Combined Federal Campaign. [Current Information] | [Health Forum]
| [Chapters] | [Calendar] | [About LFA] | [Researc...
- JBL Catalog Main Page Mon,
22 Mar 1999 00:40:00 GMT JBL Statues Carries Over 350 Images Of Deities
And Archetypes From Cultures Ancient And Contemporary Around The World. Alphabetical
Index of Statues Browse Catalog How to Order Amazing! Gundestrup Cauldron
Pewter Jewelry T-shirts are Here! Links to...
- Welcome to the William
Blake Archive A hypermedia archive sponsored by the Library of Congress
and supported by the Getty Grant Program, the Institute for Advanced Technology
in the Humanities at the University of Virginia, Sun Microsystems, and Inso
Corporation. With additional support fro...
- The Whitman Project
Main Index Although the full project can be accessed at any point established
by any user, several entry-levels have been provided. The principal entrances
are: In addition, these other categories are available: Through the various
portals, the user can reach dig...
- error.acgi
Micronet Users Home Pages have been moved to a new and dedicated server:
http://utenti.micronet.it/dmeozzi/HomEng.html Please update your bookmarks,
wait while transferrig to the new site......
- HyperDiscordia,
Confusion for a New Generation TAKE THREE In this world, there are
two kinds of people -- those who Get It and those who Don't. If the meaning
of this is not immediately obvious to you, count yourself as one of the latter.
Praise be to Eris that the world has finally caught up with ...
Association for Consciousness Exploration now resides at: http://www.rosencomet.com/...
- kabbalah Home Page of Bnei Baruch wisdom
of kabbalah (kabbala kabala qabala cabala) Mon, 17 May 1999 01:19:41 GMT
KABBALAH HOME PAGE The Wisdom of Kabbalah The Kabbalah teaches a practical
method to apprehend the upper world and the source of our existence while
still living in this world. By this method man attains perfection, and takes
control over his life and tra...
- AUM~Sparky's Mystical Stepping
Stones! World's Greatest Mysteries! Thu, 20 May 1999 10:08:50 GMT
- New
Latin Word List Wed, 18 Jun 1997 08:32:06 GMT Latin Word List This
upgrade of the Latin Word List contains some eight thousand entries, although
a significant number are duplicates to allow the presentation of additional
possible translations and some few are idiosyncratic personal reminders. Plea...
- _ParaTheatrical ReSearch_ Sat, 03
APR 1999 16:55:23 GMT Antero Alli, director/writer RITUAL TECHNOLOGY INTERMEDIA
THEATRE VIDEO POETICS An Intermedia Dream Play by Antero Alli (May 1999 SF
Bay Area World Premiere) Non-Performance Ritual and Group Ritual Work Public
- New Page 1 Mon, 06 Apr 1998
- Welcome to tpao.org The
TPAO site has undergone a complete and total revamping, and the section you
are trying to reach is no longer available. The information may still be here.
Please go to the main entry point and look around. http://www.tpao.org...
- You Can't Get There From
Here.... Tue, 01 Dec 1998 17:25:48 GMT You've reach an Internet Deadend(TM)....
- "Laurence Galian's Home Page"
visionary, pianist, writer, lecturer, composer, teacher of ancient lore and
modern wisdom, was born in Manhattan under the sign of Aries (Taurus Moon,
Leo Rising). WRITING Laurence's first book "BEYOND DUAL...
- A Magick Occult Metaphysics
Visualization Book BEYOND DUALITY: THE Fri, 12 Mar 1999 19:09:04 GMT
NEW MAGICKAL BREAKTHROUGH! Do you know how people have problems making their
magick work? What I do is to help you solve your magickal problems . . . and
revealing the missing k...
- The Nature of Hermetic
Wisdom - An Introduction & Resource Wed, 28 Aug 1996 14:06:43 GMT The
Nature of Hermetic Wisdom Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
- Southern Winter of 1996 An Introduction to the Hermetic Wisdom The major
literary source of the Hermetic Wisdom is attributed to a series of writings
known as the Cor...
- Horn of Herne Research Homepage.
- Jack Kent's Home Page THE
B.A., M. Div. The central concept in the Christian Church is the resurrection
of Jesus of Nazareth. It is my conviction that he was never resurrected. I
believe Mary Magdalene...
- The
Genesis of Eden Biogenesis Consciousness Biodiversity Crisis Gene Tech
Deadly Conflict Shamanism Conceiving Genesis ***JOIN SAKINA NET*** Search
Genesis CD audio The Renewal Sakina Genesis Conten...
- Twelve
Constellations of the Girdle of Gaia Keywords: Papaver somniferum,
opium poppy, cannabis, shroom, sacred mushroom, psilocybe, Maria Sabina, Gordon
Wasson, Teonanactl, ayahuasca, vine of the soul, rope of the dead, Banisteriopsis
caapi, Psychotria viridis, Anadenanthera peregrina, Virola, Yur...
- Salvador Dali Art Gallery
Sun, 17 May 1998 10:02:57 GMT Moved! Transporting to a new dimension .
. . (don't forget to update your bookmarks)...
- The William Blake Page
- Paintings Wed, 04 Mar 1998 05:51:39 GMT The Visual Art of William
Blake (click on pictures or title to view larger images) Ancient of Days Michael
Binding Satan The Web of Religion Good and Evil Angels Nebuchadnezzar Elohim
Creating Adam Newton The Lazar House Pity Satan Inflicting Boils Upon J...
- The Wm. Blake Page
- The Marriage of Heaven and Tue, 06 Apr 1999 22:58:44 GMT Hell William
Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell There are nine known copies of The
Marriage of Heaven and Hell, the third of Blake's illuminated books. It was
probably begun in 1789 and completed in 1790. (click on the highlighted plate
numbers to ...
- Sanctuary
of the DIvine Messenger Thu, 04 Mar 1999 20:04:30 GMT Sanctuary of
the Divine Messenger Greetings and Salutations. Welcome to the Sanctuary of
the Divine Messenger. The Sanctuary was formed so that any person regardless
of sex, race, religion or sexual orientation could establish a better understanding
of ...
- The Great Pyramid
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 20:53:18 GMT The Great Pyramid. It certainly was not built
as shown to the left. How was it built? Who built it? What is its meaning
for planet earth? Who was its designer? A study of the Great Pyramid, Part
I . Indications of divine inspiration and a prophetic messa...
Sun, 30 Aug 1998 15:25:05 GMT The Circle Association's MAYA ANGELOU PAGES
CONTENTS of this page Opened 3/16/96. Over 4000 visitors to the Maya Angelou
pages in 1996. Updated 2/21/97. Since 1/2/97 visitors to the poetry pages.
other CIRCLE POETRY PAGES Maya Angelou Gwendolyn Bro...
- Charles Nemo's KILL
'EM ALL! Sat, 20 Feb 1999 23:36:27 GMT Topics: Satanism, Gacy,
Manson, Lovecraft, vampires / goths, chaos magic, crime (especially serial/mass
murder & workplace violence), Nazi occultism (the Ahnenerbe ), death, evil,
666, extreme culture, dark graphics, corporate & polit...
- Please note the change
of address! Sat, 27 Jun 1998 04:22:45 GMT The Tomb of the Chihuahua
Pharaohs has moved to... http://members.aol.com/crakkrjack Wait a moment to
go there automatically. And don't forget to update your bookmarks! If you
are still seeing this message after a few moments, click on the new address
- The Order of the
Crystal Moon Tue, 23 Mar 1999 19:00:34 GMT // '); } // --> // The Order
of the Crystal Moon And The Lyceum of the Goddess of the Crystal Moon (L to
R)Talon-USA, Olivia Robertson-Ireland, and Firewalker-USA IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT
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- Dragonfly Design
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 05:47:41 GMT Your source for historical, fantasy, and
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- Mythology Gallery Directory
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 00:03:04 GMT Mythology Gallery Directory ©1997 Deurer
. . Introduction . . Egyptian Mummification . . . . Symbol List . . Glossary
of Egyptian Mythology . . List of Mythological Deities . . The Osiris Legend
. . The Creation Myths . . The Book of the Dea...
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Gospels of Thomas and Eve. Mon, 03 May 1999 15:19:17 GMT Member of
GSAnet Banner Swap The Gnostics - releasing the light within A history of
pantheism and scientific pantheism by Paul Harrison. Are you a pantheist?
Find out now at the Scientific Pantheism site. I am sown in all things; and
whence thou wilt,...
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pantheism and pantheist history Thu, 13 May 1999 08:10:57 GMT Scientific
Pantheism: a religion for the Third Millennium. by Paul Harrison. A religion
old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by
modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe
hardly tap...
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05 May 1999 16:27:22 GMT Plotinus - union with the One. A history of pantheism
and scientific pantheism by Paul Harrison. Are you a pantheist? Find out now
at the Scientific Pantheism site. A sympathy pervades this single universe,
like a single living creature, and the dist...
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Page: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Saint Thoms Aquinas Fri, 14
May 1999 03:11:01 GMT Welcome to the Thomistic Philosophy is inspired by
the philosophical methods and principles used by Thomas Aquinas (1224/5-1274),
a Dominican Friar and Theologian , in his explanation of the Catholic faith.
Aquinas, who is most renowned for his Five ...
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Goethe by Katharena Eiermann Wed, 19 May 1999 16:32:39 GMT event.returnValue=false;
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von Goethe. Site includes biography, essays, poems in english and german,
articles, photos, and links to other Goethe sites on the WWW "Truth is a torch...
- Praefectus Solaris,
O.·.A.·.I.·. Sat, 17 Apr 1999 18:28:19 GMT Supporting Member of The
Aleister Crowley Foundation Previous Site Home Next Site...
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- Index Mon, 19 Apr 1999
05:58:39 GMT Nicolas Seizure's Mechanical Wind-Up Museum ENTER The exhibits
contained within this site are copyright@1990-99 Nicolas Seizure. They are
mixed media puppets and machines. The pictures contain only a small part of
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Wed, 09 Dec 1998 02:36:16 GMT S/M Policy Reform Project The S/M Policy
Reform Project is being organized by members of the National Organization
for Women who believe that the current NOW policy against S/M should be reconsidered.
The National Organization for Women's official policy ...
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- Aleister Crowley
Mon, 08 Jan 1996 21:27:23 GMT Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) Aleister Crowley
biography Works of Aleister Crowley The Equinox A large bi-annual periodical
that served as the official organ of the A.'.A.'. and later the O.T.O. It
still remains one of the definitive works on occultism....
- Paradigm: Culture in
Transformation Sat, 27 Jun 1998 18:58:46 GMT We have experienced a
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- You've Entered the Library
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 02:37:18 GMT A:link {font-size: 11pt; font-family: arial;
text-decoration: none;} A:visited {font-size: 11pt; font-family: arial; text-decoration:
none;} You pass through the door and in here sits a small desk and a vast
collection of books on numerous shelves....
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