
- old news, slant what?
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 00:17:56 GMT i am in the process of re-organizing this
section, my zine(s), whatever. i've been doing zines since i was fifteen.
i'm now twenty-four, which makes me an old p-rock lady. i used to have excerpts
from my zines here but took 'em down. maybe they'll re-appe...
- St. Mary Magdalen Online
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 19:54:10 GMT
- Teitan Press, Publisher
of Aleister Crowley Fri, 31 Oct 1997 22:48:16 GMT WELCOME TO THE TEITAN
PRESS Publisher of Aleister Crowley... T his is the Home Page of the Teitan
Press , a publishing house devoted to the works of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947),
the English mage, poet and Prophet of Thelema. Our goal is to make books y...
- MoonDance Publications
presents The Web Wed, 09 Jul 1997 01:55:06 GMT MoonDance Publications
presents The Web "Weaving Connections Within The Carolina Pagan Community"
What is The Web? How Do I Subscribe or Receive a Sample Issue? Our Address
Info Who is MoonDance? What is The Web? The Web is a publication focusin...
- Nelson's pages
2 Mon, 30 Jun 1997 22:35:39 GMT Home Page Welcome to Nelson White's
Home Page.. I participate in many activities, some of which are businesses,
others are non-profit organizations. This is a multi-page document, please
go to the Directory and then click on the icon you wish. Directo...
- Oriental Rite of
Mizraim Fri, 29 Dec 1995 18:44:51 GMT Oriental Rite of Mizraim The
Rite of Mizraim was created in Milan, Italy in the year 1805 , supposedly
by several Masons who had been refused admittance into the Ancient and Accepted
Rite . The name of this rite is taken from the Hebrew word for Egypt ...
- Santa Cruz Ritual Abuse Task
Force Let's Get Real... Ritual Abuse is Not Alien Abduction It's Not
the X-Files It's done by people. Sick, Trapped, and Power-hungry people. We
believe in ritual abuse because we witnessed ritual abuse. The Santa Cruz
Ritual Abuse Task Force Home Page About ...
- H.O.O.R.- Bahlasti!
Temple Sun, 08 Mar 1998 04:46:21 GMT (The opinions expressed herein
do not necessarily reflect those of H.O.O.R.) H.O.O.R. Bahlasti! Temple Holy
Order Of RaHoorKhuit See new page for graphical web browsers Preliminary Thoughts
on H.O.O.R. Contacts Letter To a Brazilian Mason 30 Y...
- The Rose+Croix
Martinist Order® Thank you for visiting us... The Rose+Croix Martinist
Order ® has moved to its own domain site at... www.rcmo.org To go to the
new site, click HERE ....
- Tripod: Defunct
Link Sorry... but the page you are looking for is no longer on Tripod
(or you may have mistyped the URL) . Hang on, we're taking you back to the
Tripod homepage where you can find just what you were looking for. If this
page doesn't automatically link to the T...
- PBoW: The "Best
of" List! Welcome to the Pagan Best of the Web! The oldest pagan award
WEB LISTINGS! This list represen...
- Garden Mandala:
Invocation Garden Mandala: Invocation GOD , as we find You in the waters,
as we find You in the depths of reflection of a deep, still pool, as we find
You in the patience of a small creek which moves mountains, as we find You
in the awesome majesty of the ocean, as ...
- Shadowmere's
Twilight Realms Welcome to the Twilight Realms! This website is designed
to be a journey. A journey toward enlightenment. Perhaps I will tell you nothing
that you don't already know. How ever if one person does learn something new
then my purpose is fulfulled. Also as e...
- Gnostikos Gnostic
Webpage function initArray() { this.length = initArray.arguments.length for
(var i = 0; i Gnostic Fellowship &n...
Resources Mon, 17 Nov 1997 18:52:10 GMT The Zodiacal Zephyr has a new
URL. Please change your bookmarks to http://www.zodiacal.com...
SITE Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:02:51 GMT MILESTONES A Miles Davis World Wide
Web Site Milestones Coordination : Larry Tomczyk For Educational Purposes
Only Last Site Update: Monday, March 15, 1999 Send comments and suggestions
to larryt@nwu.edu These pages best viewed with: Internet Explorer...
- CultMaster
2000 Welcome to CultMaster 2000 The power of modern computer technology
joins the ancient battle against cults! Have you ever felt like you were the
only authentic Christian left? Now you can prove it, with the new CultMaster
2000 CD-Rom package. CultMaster ...
- Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Fri,
11 Sep 1998 08:23:06 GMT Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Please select
the server you are looking for: barf.org Biblical America Resistance Front
bwtel.com Baltimore-Washington Telephone csj.org American Family Foundation
csj.org/press.html American Family Foundation Press Inf...
- Classics Collection
Classics Collections Page Click on image to see a 164k version. The Laocoon
Group, Vatican Museum - marble, late 2nd century B.C.E. Diffugimus viso exsangues.
Illi agmine certo Laocoonta petunt, et primum parva duorum corpora nato...
- Maxfield Polytropon Chandler
VISUAL ART G O O D S T U F F Aleister Crowley Page "s a t i s f a c t o
r y" poetry S T R A N D T H R E E M A G A Z I N E Strand Three #1 Strand Three
#2 Strand Three #3 Strand Three #4 W E B A R T Agent G Graphic Novel Animations
Curios (MPC+)...
- The Works of Aleister Crowley
(index) The Works of Aleister Crowley Crowley speaks... Magic without
Tears Magick in Theory and Practice Book of Lies Book of the Law Eight Lectures
on Yoga Looking for More Esoterica? Try the Kessinger Publishing site. Comments
to Maxfield Chandler...
- The ART Home Page = firstKeyFr
&& fNew =sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]; keyFrm++);//get last kf for (j=0; j tmLn.lastFrame)
tmLn.ID = 0; } } } // stop hiding --> Hello there. Nice to meet you, and bright
blessings. Why would you venture beyond this page to read about me...
- Dossier Lovecraft
Redirect Tuesday, 02-Jun-98 04:54:57 GMT Dossier Lovecraft Nuevo URL
/ New URL http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/1131/hpl.html...
- Twisty Little Image Collection
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:04:25 GMT Twisty Little Collection of Images Most recent
change on $Date: 1998/07/23 13:04:25 $ --> --> This is a subset of the various
digital images I have accumulated over the years, starting around 1991. There's
a heavy astronomy, computer, and celtic influenc...
- Art Deco
Home Page Tue, 01 Dec 1998 17:52:41 GMT http://www.orat.ilstu.edu/students/pcfare/deco.html
During the period between the two World Wars, an eclectic design style developed
that later became known as Art Deco. The name was derived from the 1925 Exposition
Internationale des Arts Decoratifs In...
Reich and Orgone Tue, 04 Aug 1998 11:44:21 GMT provided by PORE ---
last updated (98Aug03) Wilhelm Reich and orgone XX Non - ORGONE ENERGY TOPICS
Some of these sites are very loosely related to orgone energy if at all Antigravity
Elektromagnum Index Page, created July 1994 Emerging Possibilities for ...
- O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge: Ecclesia Gnostica
Catholica Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:05:03 GMT Up | Map | Intro Ecclesia Gnostica
Catholica History | Membership Ceremonies | Administration Ecclesia Gnostica
Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church (the Church), is the ecclesiastical
aspect of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)....
- O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge: Welcome to Ordo
Templi Orientis Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:05:13 GMT Ordo Templi Orientis
U.S. Grand Lodge Thelema History Contact Membership Documents Search ©
1996-1998 by Ordo Templi Orientis Site design by Craig Berry...
- O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge: Ecclesia
Gnostica Catholica Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:05:03 GMT Up | Map | Intro Ecclesia
Gnostica Catholica History | Membership Ceremonies | Administration Ecclesia
Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church (the Church),
is the ecclesiastical aspect of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)....
- O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge: The Gnostic
Mass Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:05:53 GMT Up | Map | Intro Liber XV O. T.
O. Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ Edited
from the Ancient Documents in Assyrian and Greek by The Master Therion I:
- Theosophical
Mahatmas The Theosophical Mahatmas A Critique of Paul Johnson's New
Myth by David Pratt September 1997 (This version: 4.11.97) Contents Abbreviations
Introduction Fact vs. fiction The mahatma letters Chelas and confederates
A "scheme of deception"? A "disinformati...
- Joan's
Lupus "People say I'm the picture of health. If they only knew how
I'm suffering on the inside. I struggle with the pain and overwhelming fatigue
of Lupus. And with the fear that I'll never be okay ... that I'll be sick
the rest of my life." ---LUPUS PATIENT...
LE FastCounter Song Playing-Feed the Birds; Mary Poppins "I feel so much better.
I could be in remission. I just pray Iam.".... L U P U S "People say I'm the
picture of health. If t...
- Home Page
The Twisted Tree website tries to cater for all tastes in the pagan community.
So be you a witch, a druid, a shaman, an odinist etc. we hope you will find
this website of interest. At this site you'll find information about all sorts
of things related to ...
- sequoia Fri, 21 May 1999 17:58:32 GMT
sequoia.pacweb.com multi-homing WN server and virtual host Aerial Press (aerialpress.com)
Alexandria (cosmopolis.com) Aquafuture (pillarrock.com) Batish Institute (batish.com)
Beat Magazine (technobeat.com) Blueberry Brain Institute (blueberry-brain.org)
- The Surrealist
Compliment Generator T he S urrealist C ompliment G enerator Thine
integral refractions upon a lump of coal exhibit multiple pulmonary geysers.
Reload this page to receive another serial compliment. The Surrealism Server
, caldron of Jardin Mécanisme ....
- The Surrealism Server
!Surréalisme! Surrealism began primarily as a literary movement
based on radical ideas gaining momentum in the 1920s. Naturally, where words
flow, images swim congruently, and it is perhaps for the many paintings and
'graphic works' associated with...
- Bibliography
of Women and Surrealism Bibliography for Women in the Surrealist Movement
Information provided by Lisa Rull at L.Rull@wlv.ac.uk ADES, Dawn Notes on
Two Women Surrealist Painter: Eileen Agar and Ithell Colquhoun The Oxford
Art Journal April 1980 Very good discussion of two of Br...
- Oligarchaea Numbo
Polychaeta L e M a g n é t i s m e d u L ait %$#@^&<*>
Surrealism Le Groupe de Paris du Mouvement Surréaliste . Sotckholm
Surrealist Group . Dada and Surrealism , an on-line reference compiled by
Julie Cencebaugh and Carl Merchant. The Surre...
- Plato and his dialogues :
home © 1996 Bernard SUZANNE (bfsuzan@ibm.net) Last updated May
2, 1999 Plato and his dialogues : Home - Biography - Works and links to them
- History of interpretation - New hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table version
or non ta...
- LePeristyle Haitian Sanctuary
Updated on 5/2/98 This site is the home of LePeristyle Haitian Sanctuary,
a centerpiece of African culture, located in Philadelphia, PA. Founded in
1981 by Gro Mambo Angélá ...
- Shawn's Egyptology
Page Fri, 09 Apr 1999 20:04:14 GMT Egyptology featuring Frequently
Asked Questions about Egyptian Mythology with Summaries of notable Egyptian
Gods Rewritten and reformatted from the original "Frequently Asked Questions
and Information about Egyptian Mythology", 8 May 1994 revision, by Sha...
- Personal Home Page for Lester Ness
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:12:17 GMT Curriculum Vita of Lester Ness Astrology
and Judaism in Late Antiquity : the doctoral dissertation of Lester Ness,
divided into separate chapters Resource Guide to the History of Astrology
Home Page for translation of Bouche'-Leclercq's Greek Astrology...
- Personal Home Page for Lester
Ness Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:12:17 GMT Curriculum Vita of Lester Ness Astrology
and Judaism in Late Antiquity : the doctoral dissertation of Lester Ness,
divided into separate chapters Resource Guide to the History of Astrology
Home Page for translation of Bouche'-Leclercq's Greek Astrology...
- 302
Found Found The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at physics.clarku.edu
Port 80...
- Russell, Bertrand
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 19:18:29 GMT Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy A | B
| C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z Russell, Bertrand Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872
- d.1970), British philosopher, l...
- The British Library Thu, 04 Sep 1997
13:29:35 GMT
- Living With Lupus
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 03:21:09 GMT Lupus Related Research Findings in Lupus
Genetics and Lupus Lupus and the Eye Medical Management of Lupus Alphabetical
List of Specific Diseases /Disorders including Lupus and CTD Dental Problems
with Lupus A Lupus Study Introduction to Lupus: A Di...
- Myths and Legends -
frames Thu, 20 May 1999 14:07:59 GMT Last altered May 18th, 1999. Aside
from the General and Creatures of Myth and Legend sections, these links are
organized by region and language group, with those groups which produced written
accounts of their myths and legends earlier, generally appeari...
- Entrance to the Home of
the Global Village Idiot Fri, 16 May 1997 08:43:29 GMT Welcome! This
web site was designed to be veiwed with a Netscape (or similar/compatible)
browser. If you do not have one, you will still be able to understand what
is going on, but it won't be as pretty. All text, images, sound files, and
other media are ...
- Netcom On-line Communication
Services, Inc. Thu, 05 Feb 1998 23:22:46 GMT An Error has Occurred
The page you are looking for does not exist, or is temporarily not accessible.
Please try to find what you were searching for via one of the following main
headings: Netcom Homepage Netcom Homeport Personal Page Browser Search Sup...
- We moved...
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:40:40 GMT Trendy Magic Interactive Magic This page
has been relocated to a new server. Remind someone to update their link to:
http://trendy.org/magic/interactivemagic.html © 1995-1998 Trendy Magic
™ & Bee Creative ™ All rights reserved. Images at thi...
- St.
John's Order Sun, 30 Aug 1998 23:21:12 GMT St John's Order [ St. John's
Order ] Dharma Ring Member Site This Dharma Ring site is owned by Sisters
Nairatma and Mandarava . Want to join the Dharma Ring ? [ Skip Prev ] [ Prev
] [ Next ] [ Skip Next ] [ Random ] [ Next 5 ] [ List Sites ] ...
- Jesus of the Apocalypse:
A Review Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:40:32 GMT Dr. Barbara Thiering and Jesus
of the Apocalypse . Dr. Chris Forbes, School of History, Macquarie University,
November 1995. Dr. Barbara Thiering's new book, Jesus of the Apocalypse, has
already made quite a splash in the media, and will ...
- Southwest Vipassana Meditation
Center - Kaufman Texas Thu, 22 Oct 1998 01:24:45 GMT Southwest Vipassana
Meditation Center Dhamma Siri Kaufman, Texas VIPASSANA MEDITATION AS TAUGHT
BY S.N. GOENKA Southwest Vipassana Meditation Center; Dhamma Siri ; 10850
County Road 155A; Kaufman, Texas 75142. Phone: [1] (972) 932-7868...
- ARCANA: Bibliographies
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 01:34:46 GMT Bibliographies Several ARCANA subscribers
have volunteered to write bibliographies for specific topics. The following
are currently available: The Nazis and The Occult Lowell Dyson's excellent
annotated (and opinionated!) bibliography of books dealing wit...
15 Jul 1998 01:35:08 GMT A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink
deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the
brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. (Alexander Pope, An Essay on
Criticism (1711), pt. II l. 15) The ARCANA web page has ...
- ARCANA: Kabbalah
In English Wed, 15 Jul 1998 01:35:19 GMT Kabbalah In English A Guide
to English Language Resources for the Student of Traditional Rabbinic Kabbalah
This listing is not meant to be complete, or even thorough. Rather, it is
meant to make the reader aware of what is available in English out of the...
- 302
Found Found The document has moved here ....
- Casebook: Jack the
Ripper - Freemasonry A {text-decoration: none} Essay #3 by Wor. Bro.
Dennis Stocks, Barron Barnett Lodge. While there is general consensus that
Freemasonry originated in the British Isles, the exact line of descent (direct
or indirect) from the Operative stone masons remains ...
- $cientology KILLS Tue, 15 Dec
1998 04:13:09 GMT The church of scientology has done EVERYTHING in its
power to silence criticism on the net, from attacks against the newsgroup
"alt.religion.scientology" to attacks on countless web pages, and even going
so far as to sue up to 12 netizens who dared speak ...
- Rosicrucian
Museum (SCU student impressions #2) Thu, 05 Sep 1996 15:00:41 GMT Mummies
and Metaphysics True Happiness consists not in the knowledge of good things,
but in good life; not in understanding, but in living understandingly. Neither
is it great learning but good will that joins men to God. (Cornelius Agrippa,
- Russell,
Bertrand Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy A | B | C | D | E | F
| G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X |
Y | Z Russell, Bertrand Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 - d.1970),
British philosopher, l...
- Webdriver
Error Message HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request The variable MIval was undefined
- Carlos Castaneda
MOVED!!! PLEASE ... CLICK HERE ...GO TO MY NEW PAGE, (which is through a Honolulu
server) AND RE-BOOKMARK THE NEW LOCATION.... THE OLD "shell.rmi.net/~rmace/djintro.html
- Akira Rabelais
- Bill
McDowell Bill McDowell©1995 Ray Torrey, Lily Dale, New York 16 x 16"
silver gelatin print. In the first half of the 19th century, Western New York
became known as the "Burned-over District," where new revivalist religions
and progressive ideas moved through the ...
- 302 Found
Found The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu
Port 80...
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu Port
- 302 Found
Found The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at sunsite.unc.edu
Port 80...
- A bookstore of spiritual,
metaphysical and Theosophical books online Mon, 09 Dec 1996 05:16:59 GMT
Metaphysical Books and Resources A service of the Theosophical Society: located
at 717 Broadway East Seattle, Washington 98102 (206) 323-4281 quest@nsynch.com
Quest Bookstore is pleased to make available online our catalog of spiritual
books and materia...
LINKS Wed, 21 May 1997 15:19:41 GMT LINKS Surrealism is not a rational,
dogmatic, and consequently static theory of art. The Surrealism Server Quite
possibly the best Surrealism site on the Web! The Surrealist The Massurealist
Society: Pop-Art, Mass-Media, and Surrealism An interesting, mod...
- Egyptian Ministry of Tourism presents Tour
Egypt, the Official Egypt Web Site on Sun, 08 Nov 1998 19:00:12 GMT
Egyptian Travel Egypt Welcomes You Please Support Our Egypt Advertisers |
Advertising Rate Information for Tour Egypt The Official Seals You are the
visitor since Dec. 29th, 1996 to the Official Internet Site of: The Ministry
of Tourism, Egypt The Egypt...
- Norse Myths Sizzling
Stories 4 Video Clips of Kevin Crossley-Holland Sounds, Runes, Riddles Students
Last up dated July 31, 1997 Copyright (C)1997, Norse Team, All rights Reserved....
- The Unnatural Museum - Arthur
Conan Doyle Sat, 21 Nov 1998 07:37:48 GMT Doyle's Trick As strange
as it may seem Arthur Conan Doyle , the creator of the ultra-rational detective,
Sherlock Holmes, was a believer in Spiritualism. He came to his belief, that
one could communicate with the dead, after his son was killed in Wor...
- Starvin Marvin Visits South
Park Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:36:50 GMT Starvin Marvin Has Left South Park.
(Server has Officially been shut down Due to too much Traffic)...
- O.T.O. - HeruRaHa Lodge: Home
Page Mon, 01 Feb 1999 01:34:21 GMT Peace, Tolerance, Truth, Greetings
on all points of the Triangle Calendar of Events Heru-ra-Ha's Secret Chambers
Favorite Links Heru-ra-ha Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis Newport Beach, California
U.S.A. History : Heru-ra-ha Lodge, O.T.O. w...
- Original I Ching Fri,
14 Nov 1997 19:06:26 GMT
- Hrafnar Fri, 21 May 1999
09:28:50 GMT Diana L. Paxson, Elder Box 5521 Berkeley, CA 94705 D.Studebake1@GEnie.com
raven triskele from a 7th century Frankish ornament Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum,
Mainz Hrafnar Hrafnar (the Ravens) practices the native religion of the Germanic
peoples ( ...
PORE ) / Orgone Energy research Sat, 30 Aug 1997 03:52:41 GMT last
update - Orgone - (97aug24) - Wilhelm Reich PUBLIC ORGONOMIC RESEARCH EXCHANGE
Our Main Web Page has moved please point and click on below new URL to go
to our new Web Site PORE = http://www.orgone.org PORE an opening through which
orgonomy informat...
- Sleep Paralysis
Page Mon, 03 May 1999 20:15:10 GMT Sleep Paralysis and Associated Hypnagogic
and Hypnopompic Experiences (Revised August 20, 1998) In this site we describe
many of the features of sleep paralysis and associated experiences. The material
below has been gathered fr...
- The Pagan Page
Sat, 06 Jun 1998 05:52:42 GMT Vanessa's Pagan Links (Pentacle © Robin
Wood 1997, Used with Permission) Great Pagan Pages Great Wiccan Pages Books
of Shadows Herbs and Healing Great Home Pages Magazines Divination Australian
Pages Newsgroups Pagan Graphics Newsgroup F...
- The Atrium: For Students and Fans
of Ancient Greece and Rome May 5: I am beginning to put up pages and
fiddle with things, so for the next little while you will possibly come across
"pages in progress" Sorry for any inconvenience! Find out what the Greeks
and Romans were up to on this day. Updated daily! ...
- A. A. O. Website Tue, 04 May
1999 14:37:47 GMT A.A.O. A LPHA & A STRON & O MEGA - Verein zum Austausch
von synkretistischem Gedankengut - UPDATED 04/05/99 Es hallt ein Schrei durch
Zeit und Raum: "Ich bin ein Stern unter Sternen!" Das Ende war der Anfang
unendlicher Äonik, di...
- Get more info! Thu, 27 Feb
1997 18:02:03 GMT Welcome to the North Texas OTO! Do what thou wilt shall
be the whole of the law. This site is provided to the public to obtain information
about the North Texas Ordo Templi Orientis bodies. Love is the law, love under
will. To send feedback, email OTONTEX...
- Qabalah
Mon, 02 Feb 1998 19:43:41 GMT Welcome to the QABALAH section View a detailed
clickable imagemap with text for each path and sphere within the Tree of Life
ENTER This section created and maintained by Breck Outland Converted to .html
by Jason Cohen...
- Welcome to the Comparative
History of Ideas South Africa Dialog site Mon, 07 Dec 1998 02:13:14 GMT
The Comparative History of Ideas has moved! Please visit us at our new home:
http://depts.washington.edu/chid/ ...
- Comparative
Religion Tue, 01 Sep 1998 18:19:22 GMT The Henry M. Jackson School
of International Studies Program of Comparative Religion Program Information
Last updated: 08/25/97 Introduction Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Faculty
Faculty Publications Course Offerings ...
- Okeanos
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 01:14:29 GMT Okeanos Biblical, Classical, and Ancient
Near Eastern Studies Academic Departments Archaeology · Classics · Jewish
Studies · Near East Studies · Religious Studies (US) · Other Archaeology Excavations
· Help Wanted · Generalia · Links Atlases and G...
- WebNZ buttonInfo= new Array; buttonInfo[1]="New
Zealand Business Directory"; buttonInfo[2]="Clients of WebNZ"; buttonInfo[3]="Putting
your business on the Web"; buttonInfo[4]="WebNZ Services and Pricing Information";
buttonInfo[5]="Akiko's Information and Tour ...
- Gnostic Texts
Friday, 01-Aug-97 13:09:26 GMT Texts in Full Translation The Gospel of
Thomas The Gospel of Mary The Gospel of Philip The Dialogue of the Savior
(an early Don K Harrison Recension) The Apocryphon of James The Hymn of the
Pearl All the Gnostic Texts you'll ever want ! The Gnosis Archi...
- Wells Fargo Home Page Mon, 24
May 1999 08:00:00 GMT Quick Links: • Online Banking • WellsTrade
• Personal Banking • Personal Investing • Small Business •
Commercial Banking • International Trade • About Wells Fargo •
Merger News • Stock Price • ...
- Skeptic's
Dictionary: Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) Wed, 19 May 1999 14:55:06 GMT
Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) Crowley was a
self-proclaimed drug and sex fiend; a mostly self-published author of books
on the occult; a poet; a leader of a cult called Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)
whose ...
- Hypertext Webster
Gateway at UCSD Hypertext Webster Gateway Enter word here: Exact Approx
This hypertext Webster interface provides a point-and-click client interface
(for non-linemode browsers) for accessing various dictionary services on the
Internet. First, type the word for which y...
- Bearpaw's Site
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 17:26:15 GMT Bearpaw MacDonald In the interest of clearing
a tiny bit of the huge quantities of stale material off of the web, I'm closing
down this site. Until I can get most of the links to this site deleted, I'll
leave the following links in place to help you f...
- Bearpaw's Site Fri,
18 Dec 1998 17:26:15 GMT Bearpaw MacDonald In the interest of clearing
a tiny bit of the huge quantities of stale material off of the web, I'm closing
down this site. Until I can get most of the links to this site deleted, I'll
leave the following links in place to help you f...
- William Blake's "Milton"
Tuesday, 03-Nov-98 19:56:47 GMT William Blake's "Milton" Meaning and Madness
Most people know William Blake as the author of the poem The Tyger ("Tyger
Tyger burning bright / In the forests of the night....") At college (Brown
'73), I had the good fortune to be introduced to Blake by th...
LANGUAGE INSTITUTE JUNE-AUGUST, 1999 The 1999 Institute will offer programs
in French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Tibetan. Learn one
of these languages in the fastest and most effective manner. These programs
are designed...
- _Vertical_Pool_ Sun, 17
JAN 1999 04:36:20 GMT PRODUCTIONS Intermedia collaborations by Antero Alli
and Sylvie Pickering integrating video, film, theatre, publishing, poetic
ORACLE THE VERTICAL ORACLE is a modern divination device comprised of 52 full-color
cards designed by Sylvie Pickering and accompanying book of interpretive text
by Antero Alli. This is not a Tarot -- no suits, numbers or...
- Insider's
Perspective Saturday, 10-Oct-98 10:46:52 GMT No frames page is not
set up yet... Sorry....
Fri, 07 Nov 1997 21:19:12 GMT
ARCHIVES Mon, 23 Nov 1998 22:27:32 GMT | what's new | announcements
| public programs | | website information & statistics | copyrights & permissions
| comments | | website navigational aid | ORIENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH ARCHIVES
RESEARCH ARCHIVES Panoramas of the Research Archives are ...
- The Funny Stuff
The Funny Stuff If there's no author acknowledged, that means I don't know
who wrote it or the person wishes to remain anonymous. Last Update: 1/11/99
Lists of Funny Things The Discordian Quotes The Discordian Quotes part 2 The
Discordian Quotes part 3 T...
- you have encountered an interdimensional
sector Tue, 04 May 1999 04:23:17 GMT something radical is happening
the web is alive INITIALIZING GROUP MIND LST 12.26.98 L I N K A G E - it feels
like time is ending because it is - graphix by ~cio~ code & words by acidjackblack
online since Fall Equionox, 1995 is 100% origin...
- The Nine Houses of Gaia Fri, 03 Jul
1998 13:42:52 GMT The Nine Houses of Gaia The Nine Houses of Gaia is a
non-profit organization promoting interest in Earth-based religions, both
past and present. We publish the Open Ways newsletter 8 times a year, and
host The Northwest Fall Equinox Festival . For mor...
- Welcome To Alternate Access
Inc. Fri, 23 Oct 1998 02:16:22 GMT Welcome To Alternate Access Inc.
Sorry, the document you requested was not found on this server! Perhaps you
should try members.aa.net if you are looking for an aa.net customers home
page. This page and all pages on this server © Copyrig...
- Drumming and Magick
Wed, 19 May 1999 11:39:47 GMT Drumming & Magick Give us a second while
one of tommy's little spaz attacks loads in ;) Promise it won't last long!
Welcome to our drumming page. It is our goal to become one with the drum,
and learn all the voices it has to offer. The en...
- thttpd Mon, 24 May 1999
18:40:00 GMT thttpd - tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server Fetch version 2.04.
thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server. Simple:
It handles only the minimum necessary to implement HTTP/1.1. Well, maybe a
little more than the minimum. Small: See t...
- American College of Orgonomy - www.orgonomy.org
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 16:01:49 GMT The American College of Orgonomy has
moved to it's new web site - www.orgonomy.org Please take this opportunity
to change any existing links or bookmarks. Address technical questions to
- webmaster...
- Welcome to Ár nDraíocht Féin:
A Druid Fellowship
- Pagan Resources
- FAQs & Indices A lot of people have sent me requests for additions
to my Pagan Resource Page, which I started in the summer of 1994 when I created
my own personal home page. This past spring I even programmed a simple searchable
database to make it easier for people to...
- Adobe Type Browser:
Index More... Adobe Type Library Type Style Index A-Z Type Index New
Releases Special Offers Type on Call Unlocking Type Products Type Topics Type
Top Ten Adobe Originals Index : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U
V W Z Designers | Classifications &nb...
"ROSWELL INCIDENT" July 1994 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The "Roswell Incident" refers
to an event that supposedly happened in July, 1947, wherein the Army Air Forces
(AAF) allegedly recovered remains of a crashed "flying ...
- Roswell Report: Case Closed
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:12:38 GMT Roswell Report: Case Closed Executive Summary
Roswell Video News Release Copy of Report In July 1994, the Office of the
Secretary of the Air Force concluded an exhaustive search for records in response
to a General Accounting Office (GAO) inquiry of an ev...
- Einstein-Image and Impact.
AIP History Center exhibit. Click on any image to tour Einstein's life,
or Click here for a BRIEF VERSION of this exhibit. Formative Years | The Great
Works | E=mc² | World Fame Public Concerns | Quantum and Cosmos | The
Nuclear Age Science and Philosophy | An Essay: The Wo...
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