
- Internet Designers - marketing internetowy.
= 4 )) || ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
>= 4 ))); if (browser) { checkimage = new Image(); checkimage.src = "http://stat.id.pl/statystyka_res.asp?SiteID=12&Resolution="
+ screen.width + "x" + scre...
- The Alchemy Gothic Web Site
for a unique sample collection...
- The Devil's Dictionary
Wed, 05 May 1999 04:52:47 GMT The Devil's Dictionary 28 Dv Devils Ambrose
Bierce's classic work. Credits. The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce Text
by Ambrose Bierce, 1911; copyright expired. Etext version by Aloysius West,
1993 Apr 15. Note. Since the material here represe...
- Meet Madame Guillotine
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 12:08:59 GMT Welcome to Madame Guillotine's Own Homepage
| Madame Guillotine | Objectum-sexuality | My Cats | 1 st Friend Link Page
| A Statement regarding my love for Guillotines | Guillotine Museum | Some
Guillotines | Guillotines in movies | Two on a Guillo...
- Magdalen College
Sun, 26 May 1996 14:38:43 GMT Magdalen College Magdalen (pronounced maudlin)
College was founded in 1458 by William of Waynflete, Lord Chancellor of England
and bishop of Winchester, on the site of the decayed Hospital of St John,
which Henry III had founded in 1233. The new foundatio...
- Correspondence course
OF HAWAII Respondents may send messages to: Alfred Bloom Aim of the course:
The intention of this course is to enable the reader to ...
- AXIOM Tue, 08 Dec 1998 20:47:02
GMT ...has moved to our new home. Please visit us at www.greatmystery.org
and update your bookmarks. ...
- Shin Buddhism Network
Thu, 07 May 1998 19:12:39 GMT Shin Buddhism Network Welcome: The purpose
and mission of this publication is to share information concerning Shin Buddhist
Tradition and Pure Land Buddhism as it is presently practiced and interpreted
by Shin communities in the West and Japan. Research m...
- City of the Silent
- Postcards from the Grave Mon, 26 May 1997 21:14:25 GMT Commonwealth
- The PolyBureau Mon, 17
Mar 1997 03:57:21 GMT by Alan Wexelblat Dispatches: Current dispatch: Answering
Questions, Part II In Which We try to Answer Readers' Questions, Part I Ranking
Stinks or, Whose Night Is It, Anyway? Eating is cheating or, The Rules of
the Game, part I Manifesto Answering Quest...
- Home Page Mon, 27 Jul 1998 21:13:08
YORK, NY 10029 e-mail Jeff6Foot@aol.com Phone 212-369-7273 f , Phone: 212-369-7273
E-mail: Jeff6Foot@aol.com | Products/Services | Success St...
- Important
Latin Phrases? Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:30:13 GMT Sent in by Bob Miller,
'75 , this evidently was taken from Erin Curtis's Non Sequitur site, which
has many more latin phrases, amusing and serious. Die dulci fruere. Have a
nice day. Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus
et ...
- AMORC-The Worldwide Rosicrucian Order (Official
International Home Page) Since 1915, hundreds of thousands of Rosicrucian
students throughout the world have enriched their lives and learned to access
their own inner wisdom through our home study course in mysticism, metaphysics,
and philosophy. Our time-tested system reveals t...
- 302 Found Found The
document has moved here ....
- Sentence ov Desire's Homepage
[Click here to go directly to the Index of our WWW Versions] UPDATES! January
9, 1999 - Ok - no joke!!! Here it is! Volume 3 Issue 1 IS RELEASED!!! CLICK
ov Desire Volume 3, Issue...
- TCP Virtual Web Service Fri, 09 Jan
1998 10:19:57 GMT Welcome to the TCP Virtual Web Service HTTP 1.1 You have
tried to access a web site hosted at TCP but your browser does not support
version 1.1 of the HTTP protocol. If you upgrade to the latest version of
Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Exp...
- Amway opportunity site Welcome to
the official Amway web site. Our Story Meet Amway, the people and products
supporting the opportunity. Business Opportunity How it works and what it
offers. Global Community The Amway opportunity embraced worldwide. Information
Center Direct a...
- InetSolve Solutions Mon, 05 Apr
1999 13:44:11 GMT If you have arrived at this page you are probably using
a browser that is not HTTP 1.1 compatible. The site you are looking for is
probably among those listed below: www.agcproductions.com www.anamchara.com
www.aoradh.org www.artofbuilding.eqsdesigns.com...
- Welcome to Angelfire Search For:
Lycos.com | Tripod.com | WhoWhere.com | MailCity.com | Hotwired.com | HotBot.com
All Sites... F R E E P A G E ...
- Shadow Maze ~
Road to Enochiana 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3]
: null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5)
? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires
== null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString...
- Geoff's Pagan Page
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 04:56:41 GMT Geoff's page (La Página de Geoff)
(Clár Cinn Geoff) I've been busy working on the website for the Iowa
Pagan Access Network so I haven't kept all of the links updated. I am going
through them now though, and should have them all working ag...
- Untitled Normal
Page var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4)
? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie
= name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" +
expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null...
- The
Germanic Heritage Page Tue, 08 Sep 1998 00:55:30 GMT The term Germanic
refers to those peoples descended from speakers of Proto-Germanic, the ancestor
of the modern Scandinavian languages as well as English, German and Dutch.
In ancient times the Germanic peoples shared a common culture and religion.
- The
alt.dreams FAQ Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:11:26 GMT The alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid
FAQ This page last updated 24th November 1994 This is the Frequently Asked
Questions file for the alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid newsgroups. It contains
general information about dreams and dream interpretation, as w...
- Alien UFOs, Mysteries & Phenomena
Fri, 14 May 1999 02:58:30 GMT UFOs, M YSTERIES & P HENOMENA Paranormal
experiences faced by many, and not to be ignored Left, alien beings help prehistoric
man learn how to make fire. They wish to help prepare us for the day we are
capable of comprehending who these beings are, th...
- She Walks in Beauty
- Byron Thu, 21 Nov 1996 07:01:33 GMT She Walks in Beauty She walks
in beauty like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's
best of dark and bright meets in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to
that tender light which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, ...
- GREEN EGGS REPORT for news:alt.magick
Mon, 03 Jul 1995 04:08:35 GMT Green Eggs Report by alice@ar.com The Green
Eggs Report is a list of URLs spotted within alt.magick Http /~aggedor/wicca
A Project of the Universal Life Trust AVIDHYANA PUBLICATIONS Aleister Crowley
- The Great Beast Speaks Alt.MagicK.Chaos Anders Magi...
- The Crucifixion of the
Perugino. Your Way to Florence. Florence, Italy Sat, 03 Oct 1998 11:00:10
GMT Time Table City Map The Crucifixion of the Perugino Address: Borgo
Pinti, 58 In the Benedictine convent built in the thirteenth century (but
altered in the fifteenth century), next to the beautiful church of Santa Maria
Maddalena dei Pazzi, one can visit...
- Shannon Turlington
Sun, 23 May 1999 15:10:51 GMT Home : Shannon Turlington Books The Unofficial
Guide to College Financing. (Arco, 1999) Teach Yourself Netscape Communicator
4.5 in 24 Hours . (Sams, 1998) On Site Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 . With
Kevin Schuler. ( Certification Insider ...
- Hymns of Orpheus
Wed, 09 Jul 1997 23:53:58 GMT Hymns of Orpheus Iamblichus the Pythagorean
says that these hymns are more ancient than Homer or Hesiod, and were written
by Orpheus, the Greek bard, theologian and initiator. Hymn To Musaeus Hymn
To Hecate Hymn To The Sun Hymn To The Moon Hymn To Nature ...
- The Pythagorean Pagan
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 23:29:11 GMT The Pythagorean Pagan This page is here to
assist those people, who so desire, to practice Pythagorean mysticism and
follow the Pythagorean life. My intent is to make ancient Pythagorean writings
and explanations of Pythagorean theology available for dow...
- The Aro gTér - A lineage within the Nyingma
tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism Sun, 23 May 1999 02:48:00 GMT T HE
A RO gT ÉR A small family lineage within the Nyingma tradition of Vajrayana
Buddhism What is the Aro gTér History Aro Teachings Aro Lamas Teaching Schedules
Organisations Publications (English) Publications (German) Vajrayana Teachings
- Index Page of Arsenic & Old Lace and The
Pagan Community Center Mon, 07 Sep 1998 23:39:03 GMT ENTER These pages
are maintained by Arsenic & Old Lace and are best when viewed with Netscape
3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0 (which supports background music). * © 1996,
1997, 1998 (where applicable). All Rights Reserved. Spinning pentacle by M...
- the parable of
the harlot Fri, 11 Dec 1998 23:14:18 GMT the parable of the harlot
I. the wellspring of his guilty glance is biblical in nature. II. our affectionate
touches of that night, he deems disgraceful. III. in his subtle facial expression,
i can read: "she is mary magdalene." IV. he is not jesus en...
- Chado, the Way of Tea
Mon, 04 Aug 1997 18:25:57 GMT To Main Contents | To Chapter I |
To Chapter II | To Chapter III ...
- artwells oracula
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:05:59 GMT
- Ascended Lady Master
Magda - Mary Magdalene Fri, 22 Jan 1999 07:30:03 GMT
- Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology,
Oxford Fri, 21 May 1999 15:24:11 GMT Site Index Universityof Oxford
Latest Changes Information and News General Information Opening times, Free,
Location, etc. FAQs Recent News : Summer Evening Openings Public Activities
and Events Gallery Floor Plans Gallery Closures Exhibitions Gallery Tal...
- International Association
of Egyptologists Tue, 11 May 1999 13:59:34 GMT International Association
of Egyptologists These pages have now moved to: www.fak12.uni-muenchen.de
Removal date: 14th October, 1998 Link established: 11th May 1999...
- Asian Arts Wed, 19 May 1999 12:34:23
GMT Update Page (May 19, 1999) Message Board Frames Search Subscribe to
Email list Asian Arts Bookstore The on-line journal for the study and exhibition
of the arts of Asia Associations Exhibitions Articles Galleries Departments...
- Asian Arts Wed, 19 May
1999 12:34:23 GMT Update Page (May 19, 1999) Message Board Frames Search
Subscribe to Email list Asian Arts Bookstore The on-line journal for the study
and exhibition of the arts of Asia Associations Exhibitions Articles Galleries
- Astrolog Homepage Thu,
04 Mar 1999 21:01:34 GMT Welcome to The Astrolog Homepage . :-) Astrolog
5.40 is a 100% freeware astrology program, with versions for Windows, DOS,
the Macintosh, and Unix, and the complete source code is available too. Find
your way through the Maze of life! :-) Download file...
- Astrology - Metalog Wed, 24 Jun
1998 23:58:47 GMT Metalog . The Metalog Directory of Astrology Apollon
- The Journal of Psychological Astrology The Astrological Association of Great
Britain The Centre for Psychological Astrology Liz Greene Reports and Books
from the Astrology Shop Matrix So...
- B.O.T.A. School of Holy Qabalah and
Sacred Tarot Sun, 05 Jul 1998 20:37:44 GMT A Non-Profit Corporation
Based on the Mystical-Occult Teachings and Practices of the Holy Qabalah and
Sacred Tarot Founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case Extended by Dr. Ann Davies EXTENDS
- B.O.T.A. School of Holy
Qabalah and Sacred Tarot Sun, 05 Jul 1998 20:37:44 GMT A Non-Profit
Corporation Based on the Mystical-Occult Teachings and Practices of the Holy
Qabalah and Sacred Tarot Founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case Extended by Dr. Ann
- AvatarSearch - Search Engine of the
Occult Internet! Welcome to ---------------> ---------------> An Introduction:
AvatarSearch is the most unique Search Engine on the Internet. What makes
it so unique is that it is entirely dedicated to the Occult and Occult related
interests. But there are additional feat...
- AvatarSearch - Search Engine
of the Occult Internet! Welcome to ---------------> --------------->
An Introduction: AvatarSearch is the most unique Search Engine on the Internet.
What makes it so unique is that it is entirely dedicated to the Occult and
Occult related interests. But there are additional feat...
- Welcome to United Retail, Inc. Mon,
22 Feb 1999 20:53:20 GMT WELCOME! Our site is currently under con struction.
I f you would like to be notified when our site is up and running or if you
have any comments or questions, please email us. If you would like to find
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- AVESTA -- Zoroastrian Archives Saturday,
08-Aug-98 15:51:48 GMT "; } else if (day_of_year>360) { message+= " it
is the "+getGathaName(day_of_year-361)+" Gatha day. "; } else { var mah =
Math.floor((day_of_year-1) / 30) + 1; var ruz = day_of_year + 30 - mah*30;
message += " month "+getMonthName(mah)+", day "+getDayName...
- Giordano Bruno: De Umbris
Idearum ('The shadow of Ideas') Friday, 12-Feb-99 12:07:09 GMT Twilit
Grotto -- Esoteric Archives Contents Prev Contents Next Timeline IORDANVS
BRVNVS NOLANVS DE VMBRIS IDEARVM. Implicantibus artem, Quaerendi, Inueniendi,
Iudicandi, Ordinandi, & Applicandi: Ad internam scripturam, & non vulgares
per memoriam ...
- Timeline of Esoterica Tuesday,
02-Mar-99 01:11:22 GMT Timeline of Esoterica 13th century BCE? Zarathushtra
founds Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Magi; Moses founds Judaism; mythical
date of Hermes Trismegistus. 4? BCE-33 CE Jesus founds Christianity 100-300
CE composition of Corpus Hermetica 204-270 CE ...
- Ritual Resources Page
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 05:58:40 GMT Ritual Resources NEW! Updated 2-4-99. Fixed
dead links. New Rites. Includes new Aurum Solis material. The Nice Introduction:
This page is devoted to fostering creativity and diversity in magickal practice.
It developed...
- Johnson Friday,
H. Caldwell "I Was There" "All knowledge of the past which is not just supposition
derives ul...
- Alpha Net Monday,
17-May-99 01:50:30 GMT DAUGHTER OF AMRAM AND JOCHEBED. She was called "Miriam
the prophetess". She is described as one of the leaders sent by the lord to
guide Israel. Although the bible does not specifically say so. Miriam was
the one who watched over the infant ...
- Metro'on Wednesday, 10-Mar-99
15:09:53 GMT ' The Most Controversial Site on the World Wide Web THE TREES
OF CYBER Connections ethereal, branching out, spidering here, there and everywhere.
Time has a new meaning here. &n...
- Spinners Home Page Tuesday,
29-Apr-97 16:30:44 GMT Spinner's Ledge The Dream of Life "Is all that we
see or seem But a dream within a dream?" (Edgar Allan Poe) The Web of Life
" Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. If men spit upon
the ground, they spit upon themselves...
#000000 LINK=" #0000EE" AzureGreen Drawn to the country by the song
of Nature singing in our spirits. Drawn to International living in patterns
and forms suited to the values we wish to serve: cooperative relationships,
close-knit community, opening t...
- Content Love's World of Waters
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:43:45 GMT Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the
Law. Content Love's world of waters "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there." Previous Site Home Next Site Next
Five Site Skip to Site after Next Skip to ...
- Table of the Elements Thu,
23 Apr 1998 17:43:15 GMT Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
. philosophical enquiry with pictures essays, rants, and invocations other
voices, other rooms Links feedback What's New in the rantstation: Important
announcement: Celebrate Oral Sex Day! July 1, 1998 New l...
- Travel the Spaceways
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:42:21 GMT (Clues, soul dividers, treasure maps) SKNILINKS
updated 4/23/98 for your surfing pleasure women and history/religion .. sacred
sexuality entheogens .. political/activism music .. creative word arte Angels
& Demons at play .. thelema/magick/hermeti...
- Travel the Spaceways
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:42:21 GMT (Clues, soul dividers, treasure maps) SKNILINKS
updated 4/23/98 for your surfing pleasure women and history/religion .. sacred
sexuality entheogens .. political/activism music .. creative word arte Angels
& Demons at play .. thelema/magick/hermeti...
- Dimensional Communications Wed, 14
Oct 1998 00:09:00 GMT This server is for pseudo-virtual domain-hosting
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Please contact WebMaster@'thedomain.com' for assistance, where 'thedomain.com'
should be replaced with the actual domain of...
- Kink Aware Professionals (KAP)
Thu, 13 May 1999 00:51:06 GMT The resource for people who are seeking psychotherapeutic,
medical, dental, complementary healing, legal, financial, and computer professionals
who are informed about the diversity of consensual, adult sexuality. What
is KAP? Ways to obtain the KAP refer...
- Baphomet Sat, 25 Jan 1997 20:57:41
GMT http://www.baphomet.com For best view with frames... updated 960423...
- hurricane lefran's magick theatre
Fri, 08 Jan 1999 02:53:02 GMT Hurricane Fran ...for madmen only. Price
of admission is your mind. " The way to innocence,to the uncreated and to
God leads on, not back, not back to the child, but ever further into sin,
ever deeper into human life. " Steppenwolf , Hermann Hesse I'M A...
- Joe Larabell's Home Page Fri,
21 May 1999 10:09:05 GMT Last modified: Sun May 9 22:53:23 1999, see what's
new . Joseph L. (Joe) Larabell the subUrban Eclectic Do what thou wilt shall
be the whole of the Law Random quote supplied by the Ape of Thoth Trapped
in someone else's frames? SPAMMERS BEWARE! I report...
- The Ape of Thoth: A Thelemic
Text Daemon Fri, 21 May 1999 09:36:31 GMT The Ape of Thoth A Thelemic
Text Daemon Version 1.2 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law [
Home ] [ HowTo ] [ List ] [ About ] The 'Ape of Thoth' (APE for short) is
a general-purpose text search engine whose database consists of Thelemic Holy
- in corde te foveo Mon,
17 May 1999 02:52:45 GMT word 418 11011 nihonmachi ocean "Cross of Gold
and Ruby Rose, Two in One, and darkness enfolds." suti@thelema.org ...
- Common Misquoted and
Misunderstood Verses of the Bible Sun, 24 Jan 1999 17:55:50 GMT Be
On Our Mailing List About us Leaders Members Schedule Epistolé The Gospel
Our Library The Bible Quotations Misquotes Let Us Pray GuestBook Newsgroup
Write to us When he had thus spoken, he (the Lord Jesus) spat on the ground,
and made clay of the spitt...
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- 403 Forbidden Forbidden
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- Cuir Underground Home
Updated: 28 February 1999 Our newly redesigned site is organized by type
of content, rather than based on the numbering system of the old hardcopy
edition (only fitting, since CU is now exclusively an online magazine). More
graphics and photos will be co...
- LaughingSquid.net >>> Website
Design & Hosting Sat, 17 Apr 1999 01:12:56 GMT
- Rose n Thorn: Contents
Rose n Thorn Society Main Directory An overview of the different subjects
covered at this site. We hope you have the time to explore them all. site
updated on 3/22/99 Information About Us Introduction to the Rose n Thorn Society
A general overview, some ...
currents reports services The great soul is the person who has taken on the
task of change. If he or she is able to transcend fear, to act out of courage,
the whole of its group will b...
- The Healing Tarot Homepage
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:02:13 GMT A Blue Witch Design updated 6 March 99 Information
Events Sessions Free Readings Articles Gratitude Magick Emerging Spiral Cards
Reviews Products Bookstore Links Jennifer Home Send inquiries to The Webmistress
Welcome to The Healing Tarot Homepage: home o...
- 302 Found Found The
document has moved here ....
- University Book Store
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 22:25:37 GMT Books are shipped free of charge anywhere
in the U.S. Thank you for visiting University Book Store On-line and welcome
to the largest independent college bookseller in the U.S. We have been serving
the University of Washington and the greater Seattle met...
- To Order Books Featured Titles Distribution
Services Newsletter Related Sites Sat, 22 May 1999 13:01:42 GMT "One
of the two best book distributors in America" -National Survey Featured Travel
Titles (click on cover to see & order book) Travel Wise with Children Chefs'
Guide Inside New York 2000 Keeping Australia on the Left A Pilgrim's Guide
to R...
- Goddess/Husain, Shahruk/PMPM001702
Fri, 07 May 1999 12:35:05 GMT Husain, Shahrukh The Goddess Published by
Duncan Baird Publishers (Paperback ã 1997) Series: Living Wisdom Click here
to visit our bookshop where you can buy this book. The Mother Goddess who
embodies all the processes of nature has proved to be o...
- St. John's
Wort St. John's Wort Botanical: Hypericum perforatum (LINN.) Family:
N.O. Hypericaceae Description Medicinal Action and Uses Preparations and Dosages
---Parts Used--- Herb tops, flowers. ---Habitat--- Britain and throughout
Europe and Asia. ---Description--- A...
- boulevards.alleys.astrology
Select a category Accountants Airlines Apartments Attorneys New Cars Used
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Computers Dentists Employment Florists Furniture Golf Courses Contractors
Grocers Hospitals Hotels Insur...
- WebCom - Worldwide Host to Small Business
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Services & Rates Open an Account WebCommerce Customer Support Resources Contact
Us About WebCom How to Make Money With WebCom Welcome to the Internet's First
Web Hosting Company WORLDWIDE HOST to &nbs...
- Artefact
issue 1, Faculty of Arts, Bristol University December 1994 Artefact
Bulletin of the Arts Faculty Graduate Centre Issue No.1 Don Mowbray Rod Morgan
Welcome to the first edition of Artefact. It is a paper for all Arts Faculty
postgraduates, in fact everyone who uses the Postgraduate Centre. The ai...
- Sparky's Dream Sat, 10 Apr 1999
14:45:00 GMT
- temp Sat,
02 Jan 1999 12:02:54 GMT Welcome to "Crowleyana." This page WAS designed
to carry information regarding Crowley and related subjects that don't really
fall into the "Magick Media Page." I now feel the page has matured and increased
considerably with content that it will stand th...
- Alesiter Crowley
Articles Sun, 04 Apr 1999 11:46:18 GMT 7 Presented here is an array
of articles concerning Aleister Crowley from a wide variety of sources. I
have been collecting articles for about 10 years now but cannot take credit
for all the articles presented here.The older ones, from 1910 - 1950, are
- The City Of The PYRAMIDS
Enochian Gateway Tue, 30 Sep 1997 03:08:42 GMT Do what thou wilt shall
be the whole of the law. Welcome to the City of the Pyramids. The home of
the Holy Tablets of Enoch, The Sacred Keys to the Apocalypse. The Round Table
of Nalvage The Great Watchtower of the East The Great Watchtower of the West
COLLEGE Mon, 07 Sep 1998 06:06:41 GMT Welcome to the INVISIBLE COLLEGE,
the Gateway to the Mysteries of Enochian Magick The TRUE & FAITHFUL RELATION
Project of enochian-l@hollyfeld.com. The Elias Ashmole Award for Enochian
Excellence on the Web. The ENOCHIAN LIBRARY ARCHIVES and The Metaphys...
- Think! Tue, 30 Mar 1999 23:08:19
GMT Last updated: 30-Mar-99 W elcome. D o what thou wilt shall be the whole
of the law. Y ou've now found your way to my W eb sanctum. F ear, for my name
is A ngus & my title is T he B lasphemer. N othing but darkness & S he who
is the B lue...
- The Bulwer-Lytton Sat, 27 Mar
1999 01:16:37 GMT Fiction Contest Home Page Where "WWW" means Wretched
Writers Welcome " It was a dark and stormy night and the rain fell in torrents--except
at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which
swept up the streets (for it is in Lo...
- The Burning Man Project - Official
Site Tue, 06 Apr 1999 04:26:20 GMT Editorial Production & Editor: Scott
Beale Web Project Manager 1999: s h e l . k i m e n Art Director: Erik Waterman
Additional Art: Lucie Soublin Photo Editor: Elise Nordling Technical Direction
/ Internet Stage Manager: Rusty Hodge Additional Pro...
- BUST: The broads are back in town! Tue,
02 Mar 1999 14:54:52 GMT Viewing BUST's website requires a browser capable
of displaying frames....
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GMT CADUCEUS BOOKS PO Box 5349, Stoney Stanton, Leicester, LE10 2RL, England
Tel. 01455 250542, + 44 1455 250542 from overseas also 07071 880742, +44 7071
880742 from overseas Fax. 0870 0552982, +44 870 0552982 from overseas Email
ben@cadu.demon.co.uk Web pag...
- 302
Found Found The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.6 Server at www.cae.wisc.edu
Port 80...
- Gnostic Gnus
Welcome to the Gnostic Gnus. An exploration of vaguely heretical, putatively
Christian doctrine and speculation. We will be featuring various topics including
essays on Mary Magdalene , a revised Magdalene rosary and other Grail-related
subjects. For now,...
- Truth Is . . . Truth, Religion, And
The Nature Of Reality. Sat, 17 Apr 1999 20:22:33 GMT
RECOVERED MEMORY PAGE Tue, 21 Apr 1998 12:31:36 GMT The Ottawa Recovered
Memory Page has a new address as of April 21, 1998. Please check out the new
and updated page at: http://www.carleton.ca/~whovdest/ormp.html ...
PAGE Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:05:17 GMT Welcome to: The Ottawa Recovered
Memory Page Last Updated: July 22, 1998 This page provides information about
the reality of recovered memories of childhood abuse and the recovered memory
debate. I run this page because I believe that children's, wo...
- Personal_Pages_Index Mon,
26 Apr 1999 16:41:01 GMT Relax at 'Home' with the Triad! ___________ Short
Bios ___________ Laura Darlene Lansberry: Laura's Thumbnail Biography Julia
Cybele Lansberry-Cachia: part 1: 1952 to 1976 part 2: 1977 to 1992 part 3:
1993 to present Joan Lansberry: Part One Part Two Th...
- 300
Multiple Choices Multiple Choices The document name you requested (
/~espana/SFAuthors/SFL/Lytton.phtml ) could not be found on this server. However,
we found documents with names similar to the one you requested. Available
documents: /~espana/SFAuthors/SFL/Lytton.php3 (c...
- SBC - Saint Mary Magdalen
Tue, 18 May 1999 18:04:44 GMT Saint Mary Magdalen, the Beautiful Penitent
By the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary In order to know what great
love is, one should study , the beautiful penitent, who washed the feet of
Jesus with the water of her tears, and dried them with the tow...
- CAWeb - The Official Web Site of the Church
of All Worlds, Inc. Mon, 08 Feb 1999 01:34:48 GMT 0) {return (parseInt
( ua.substring ( msie+5, ua.indexOf ( ".", msie ) ) ) >=4) && (ua.indexOf("MSIE
4.0b") The mission of the Church of All Worlds is to evolve a network of information,
mythology and experience that provides a context and stimul...
- Francis
Rabelais. 1495-1553. Wed, 14 Jun 1995 22:15:25 GMT Francis Rabelais.
1495-1553. 1 I am just going to leap into the dark. 1 Motteux's Life. 2 Let
down the curtain: the farce is done. Ibid. 3 He left a paper sealed up, wherein
were found three articles as his last will: "I owe much; I have nothing; I
give ...
- Shelley,
Percy Bysshe. 1901. Complete Poetical Works. Fri, 15 Dec 1995 20:49:56
GMT Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Frontmatter Editor's
Note Biographical Sketch Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem. Introductory Note
To Harriet ***** Queen Mab Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude. Introductory
Note Alastor The Revolt of Islam....
- Permanent Collection
- Ancient Egyptian Art Sat, 19 Apr 1997 18:55:53 GMT Ancient Egyptian
Art: Introduction | From the Collection Ancient Egyptian Art: Introduction
The first great civilization of Africa arose along the northern stretch of
the River Nile, where it cuts through desert terrain between the Red Sea to
the east a...
- Björk-links of Juhapekka
Tolvanen-homepage Thu, 23 Oct 1997 17:50:19 GMT -links of -homepage
"I wish: I want want to stay here I wish: this be enough." (Last modified
the 6th January 1997. Any additions and corrections (also vocabular and grammatical)
are welcome) Counter started the 1st January 1997: Badtaste Mail Order Bjv...
- Antinomian Web Site of Apotheosis
Mon, 24 May 1999 08:25:11 GMT Antinomian Web Site of Apotheosis Click on
the button which links to the page you'd like to visit....
- This
address has changed. Old Address Several years ago the Chebucto Community
Net stopped using cfn.cs.dal.ca and ccn.cs.dal.ca. Our new hostname is www.chebucto.ns.ca.
Please update your bookmarks to the new address: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~af678/cyberspace.html...
- Rudra's Net of Jewels Wed, 03
Feb 1999 23:24:53 GMT The Net of Jewels Hello and welcome to my humble
mumble tumble abode. My name is sometimes Rennie and sometimes Rudra, sometimes
Renman and sometims Mojtaba. By whatever name you know me, it is nice to have
you and please feel fre...
- Ra-Harakhte Lodge Ra-Harakhte
Fla. local body of Ordo Templi Orientis. We are a fairly new Lodge, formerly
known as Arcanum Oasis. We welcome inquiries from all North Florida/South
Georgia reside...
- lemegeton Available in September
1999! Newly edited from Sloane 3825 and 2731. The sigils and illustrations
have been completely redrawn for this edition. Includes Goetia, Theurgia Goetia,
Ars Paulinia and Almadel Fully Illustrated Trade softcover. $19.95 from Meta...
A Cotton Dress Fishing The Ballad of Mary Magdalene Lazy The Things That I
Have Seen TV Light A Tune for Nowhere Arrowhead Ascent Blue Divide ARTIST
ALBUM &nbs...
- Delfeayo Marsalis
/ Pontius Pilate's Decision ! . --> Delfeayo Marsalis / Pontius Pilate's
Decision Pontius Pilate's Decision Adam's Ecstasy; Eve's Delight Barabbas
The Weary Ways of Mary Magdalene Nicodemus Son of the Virgin Mary Reverend
Judas Icariot Simon's Journey The Last Sup...
- Meshell Ndegeocello
/ Peace Beyond Passion ! . --> Meshell Ndegeocello / Peace Beyond Passion
The Womb The Way Deuteronomy: Niggerman Ecclesiastes: Free My Heart Leviticus:
Faggot Mary Magdalene God Shiva Who is He and What is He to You Stay Bittersweet
A Tear and a Smile Make Me Wan...
- weluvsatan
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 11:27:49 GMT
- Neato cd and DVD labels, Verbatim and
TDK disks, labels for all media, music CDs, Fri, 14 May 1999 16:44:21
- The Center for Democracy and Technology
Thu, 20 May 1999 18:59:35 GMT Call for Privacy and Security Legislation!
Stop Backdoor Government Access! Enter your zip code Our Privacy Policy Other
Internet Issues Digital Authenti...
- Magic,
Withcraft, and the Occult in Greece and Rome Tue, 06 Aug 1996 19:17:27
GMT University of Minnesota University College Independent and Distance
Learning Clas 1019 Magic, Withcraft, and the Occult in Greece and Rome Home
Page Clas1019 (A524-Sec.02-A490) 4 degree credits About This Course About,
Lesley K. Cafarelli, Ph.D. Table ...
- Witches' League for Public Awareness
- Salem, Mass. Wed, 19 May 1999 14:46:05 GMT The WLPA Mission Statement:
The Witches' League for Public Awareness is a proactive educational network
dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft. The work
of the League springs from a shared vision of a world free from all r...
- www.celticgoddess.com Mon, 22
Feb 1999 22:48:04 GMT
- Changes: Celebrating Our Growing Consciousness
This site is brought to you with love by Changes! We welcome you to Changes,
a page whose home was born in the Kosmos. We believe in the capacity of the
human race to evolve. Knowing that life is changes, that energy follows attention,
we feel the possib...
- Changes: Celebrating Our Growing Consciousness
This site is brought to you with love by Changes! We welcome you to Changes,
a page whose home was born in the Kosmos. We believe in the capacity of the
human race to evolve. Knowing that life is changes, that energy follows attention,
we feel the possib...
- Literary Kicks Tue, 06 Apr
1999 04:01:29 GMT Literary Kicks Turn off your mind relax and float downstream.
This is my personal project, unaffiliated with any corporation, university
or organization, and dedicated to a couple of writers who mean a lot to me.
There's a lot of material here, much of ...
- Literary Kicks
Tue, 06 Apr 1999 04:01:29 GMT Literary Kicks Turn off your mind relax and
float downstream. This is my personal project, unaffiliated with any corporation,
university or organization, and dedicated to a couple of writers who mean
a lot to me. There's a lot of material here, much of ...
- Adoracion De
Rotura Violenta Thu, 15 Oct 1998 06:17:26 GMT CRASH WORSHIP Welcome
to the home page for information about Crash Worship. You can learn about
the band's history, discography, and tour plans, as well as listen to selections
from their releases (soon!), view photos and album artwork, and more. The
- Golden Dawn, Potencia en Habla
Hispana Aguarde un instante por favor... Wait a moment, please......
- Virtual Voyager at the MFA -->
The Art of Tibetan Sand Painting In a marriage of high tech and ancient ceremony,
Tibetan Buddhist monks intricately began building a sand painting at the Museum
of Fine Arts, Houston on Feb. 4, 1996. A camera suspended above them sent
live images to ...
- Freemasonry on the Internet
Sunday, 11-Apr-99 22:50:50 GMT FREEMASONRY on the Internet What is Freemasonry?
Read the Usenet Masonry FAQ to answer some of the more common questions. This
is version 1.2 of the FAQ. " HEIGHT=14 WIDTH=14 ALIGN=TOP> Index of Articles,
Poems and information on Freemasonry. " HEIGHT=1...
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 14:42:50 GMT SINISTER CINEMA HAS MOVED! Come check out
our new, updated, SECURE website at http://www.sinistercinema.com You'll even
find a brand new message board for all of you nostalgic movie buffs who don't
mind spending hours and hours exchanging ideas and argui...
- Redirection
from Old Baphomet Lodge Page Thu, 11 Jul 1996 05:22:43 GMT A New Æon...
Baphomet Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, no longer exists. If you reached this
site by following a link from a non-search-engine page, I'd greatly appreciate
your letting the owner of that site know that all such links should be removed.
- The Goddess in Training Home
Page The Goddess in Training site has moved to the following address:
http://www.lilitu.com Please update your links accordingly. This page should
take you to the new site in approximately 15 seconds. If not, click on the
above URL....
- Directory Listing Denied Directory
Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed....
- Who's Who
in the History of Mysticism Fri, 12 Feb 1999 02:23:24 GMT Who's Who
in the History of Mysticism by Professor Bruce B. Janz Introduction The people
and movements on this list are arranged chronologically, rather than alphabetically.
It is by no means complete in reflecting mystical figures or texts in the
West -...
- Mysticism
Resources Page - Refer Sun, 06 Sep 1998 09:36:00 GMT Welcome to Mysticism
Resources Page (If this page doesn't refresh automatically in a few seconds,
click on the blue text above.)...
- CNN Interactive Tue, 25 May 1999 03:40:36
- CNN - Researchers
say they're close to finding lupus gene - Feb. 19, 1997 Tue, 25 May 1999
03:40:44 GMT
- Welcome to the Covenant of the Goddess Home
Page Mon, 24 May 1999 15:40:51 GMT Welcome to the NEW CoGWeb , the
WWW home page of the Covenant of the Goddess , an international organization
of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solitary practitioners.
Here, you'll find information about the COG organization and ...
- Bartlett, John.
1901. Familiar Quotations Fri, 07 May 1999 05:11:46 GMT B IBLIOGRAPHIC
I ndex of A ll A uthors C hronological I ndex of P rimary A uthors Geoffrey
Chaucer . 1328-1400. Thomas à Kempis . 1380-1471. John Fortescue .
Circa 1395-1...
- Project Bartleby
Archive Mon, 11 May 1998 21:08:59 GMT P ROJECT B ARTLEBY (EST. 1994)
Bartleby in the News: May 98: Bartleby Logs 35th Million Hit March 98: The
Dawn of the Digital Book W ORD(S) TO S EARCH F...
- Ganesha Home Page
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 11:08:23 GMT Ganesha Home Page Lord of Categories Ganapati
or Genesha, the Lord of Categories: All that can be counted or comprehended
is a category (gana). The principle of all the classifications through which
the relations between different orders of things,...
Fri, 04 Jul 1997 18:29:07 GMT THE THELEMA ZONE "DO WHAT THOU WILT" is the
primary axiom of Thelema. This can be deconstructed in terms of two implied
statements: firstly, that one should learn how to effect one's Will; and secondly,
that the more closely one's actions are in accord wi...
- Mandrake Home Page Tue,
03 Nov 1998 19:12:09 GMT Fruit of the Mandrake download entire site in
html code (340KB) Ascii version - mandrake publications Ascii version - crowley
books Secondhand and Bargains Who are we Mandrake of Oxford is an specialist
independent publisher. We began trading as Golden Da...
- naths homepage
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 17:25:35 GMT AMOOKOS and the Nath Ganas **********************************************
Stop Press For latest Nath newsletter (Weirdglow) click ************************************************
Fact Sheet on Tantra 'In the Shaivite tradition, the god's companions (kaul...
- OGDOS Home page
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:03:10 GMT Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society ****************
Latest News Click on the winged disk above to go to latest OGDOS supplement
**************** Details of our annual conference/symposium on 10th April
1999 Dear Friend Do what thou wilt shall be the whole...
- Surrealism and
magical art Tue, 27 Jan 1998 18:38:04 GMT Surrealism and Magical Art
Surrealism and the Occult by Nadia Choucha 1991 140 pages 1869928164, £8.99/$15
pbk 1869928245 Many people associate Surrealism with politics, but it was
also permeated by occult ideas, a fact often overlooked by art his...
- MGH: History
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 16:27:49 GMT A History of the Museum of Garden History
and of St Mary-at-Lambeth St Mary-at-Lambeth The church of St Mary-at-Lambeth
lies next door to Lambeth Palace, on the banks of the Thames, and almost opposite
the Houses of Parliament. The first of the five succe...
- Jewelry, Gem Stones, Crystals,
Mystic Merchant,Hand Made, Web Site Design Metaphysical, One of a kind, Wm.
Mason, Bill Mason 54044 We Are Moving To Our NEW Domain CLICK HERE
TO GO http://www.mysticmerchant.com Please Remember To UPDATE Your Links &
Bookmarks This fast loading, dynamic site is designed and maintained by Web
Monk Design. Click here Large or small we can design yo...
"Unto Thee, O perfect one, the Lord and lover of men, do we commend our
life and hope. For thou art the heavenly bread, the life of the whole world;
thou art in all places and endurest all things, the treasury of endless good
and the well of infinite com...
- Rowan's Personal Home Page
Mon, 02 Nov 1998 23:02:03 GMT Rowan Fairgrove Here are some links to areas
of interest which I pursue. Keeping bookmarks straight just got to be too
much! Enjoy! What's here - Bay Area , my studies: Religion, Arts, Archaeology,
Education, Celtica political resources for activists -...
- This is the Surrealism
Page. Thursday, 25-Sep-97 21:48:22 GMT Surrealism Surrealism, movement
in literature and the fine arts, founded by the French poet and critic Andre
Breton. Breton published his Surrealist Manifesto in Paris in 1924 and consistently
dominated the movement. Surrealism grew directly out of the mo...
- ConsciousNet New Age Information
and Services Mon, 17 May 1999 23:20:04 GMT Alternative Business Astrology
Books and Publishers Communities East West Bookstore Education Environmental
Awareness Enter - Egypt Events Gardening Gifts and Accessories Health and
Healing Humor - the Lite Site Magazines On-line Meditation Music Networks...
- ConsciousNet New Age Information
and Services Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:35:14 GMT ConsciousNet Magazines On
Line has moved. Click here or wait a few seconds.... Copyright © 1995,96,97,98,99
Trillium and AtempoART!. All Rights Reserved. Except as otherwise noted, all
text, graphics...
- Egyptian
Gods: Summaries summaries of notable Egyptian Gods Rewritten and reformatted
from the original "Frequently Asked Questions and Information about Egyptian
Mythology", 8 May 1994 revision, by Shawn C. Knight. This document is copyright
© 1994 - 1997 by Shawn C. Knight...
- The CraftWEB Home Page Contact
Us --> W elcome to The CraftWEB Project! See our Awards at Bottom of Page!
The CraftWEB Project online community creates the opportunity for professional
craftspeople, craft organizations and people interested in crafts to meet,
share information...
- Algernon
Blackwood Algernon Blackwood (1869 - 1951) E nglish writer of ghost
stories and supernatural fiction, of whom Lovecraft wrote: "He is the one
absolute and unquestioned master of weird atmosphere." His powerful story
"The Willows," which effecti...
- Selected
Authors of Supernatural Horror Selected Authors of Supernatural Fiction
With portraits, brief biographies, bibliographies, and online links. Ambrose
Bierce H.P. Lovecraft Edgar A. Poe Algernon Blackwood Arthur Machen M. P.
Shiel Lord Dunsany Fitz-James O'Brien Clark Ashton Smith Willia...
- H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) H ailed as the 20th century Poe, H. P. Lovecraft
wrote fantasy reminiscent of Dunsany and horror in the best tradition of Poe,
Blackwood, and Machen. He singled out the best elements in the work of his
literary masters and blen...
- Arthur Machen
Arthur Machen (1863-1947) B orn Arthur Llewellyn Jones in Caerleon-on-Usk,
Wales, Machen was the author of "The Great God Pan" (1894), The Three Imposters
(1890) (an episode novel containing "The Novel of the White Powder", "The
Novel of the Black Seal...
- 403 Forbidden 403
Forbidden URL /~Amon1/satanism/ is not readable from the server. It may have
misconfigured permissions, or it may have been disabled....
- Tools of CHAOS Mon, 10 May 1999
12:55:25 GMT Some praise truth so-called, but give it many containers;
forgetting its dependance they prove its relationship and paradox, the song
of experience and illusion. Paradox is not "truth", but the truth that anything
can be true for a time. What supersedes...
- Aleister Crowley
Sat, 10 Oct 1998 01:26:28 GMT Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley [rhymes
with "holy"] was born October 12, 1875 in Leamington Spa, England. His parents
were members of the Plymouth Brethren, a strict funda...
- Anthem from the Gnostic
Mass Sat, 23 Nov 1996 09:20:05 GMT Anthem from the Gnostic Mass Priest:
Thou who art I, beyond all I am, Who hast no nature and no name, Who art,
when all but thou art gone, Thou, Centre and secret of the Sun, Thou, hidden
spring of all things known And unknown, Thou aloof, alone, Thou, th...
- Collects from the Gnostic
Mass Sat, 23 Nov 1996 09:20:05 GMT Collects from the Gnostic Mass Do
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The following are the Collects
of the Gnostic Mass as published in Liber XV . Note: In the "Saints" collect,
(+) after each name denotes that a cross is traced in the air by ...
- Creed of the Gnostic
Catholic Church Sat, 23 Nov 1996 09:20:05 GMT Creed of the Gnostic
Catholic Church I believe in one secret and ineffable LORD; and in one Star
in the Company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and to which we shall
return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery, in His name CHAOS,
the sole...
- Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:33:46 GMT Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (The Gnostic
Catholic Church) Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Ecclesia
Gnostica Catholica, or Gnostic Catholic Church, was formed in 1907 by Jean
Bricaud, Louis-Sophrone Fugairon, and Gerard Encausse in Fra...
- Thelemic Organizations
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 23:33:52 GMT Thelemic Organizations Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law. As might be expected in a philosophy which
values the uniqueness of every human being, a number of different organizations
have arisen to provide various avenues of studying Thelema a...
- Thelema Home Page Tue,
12 Jan 1999 22:59:37 GMT Thelema Home Page Chosen BEST OF THE NET for January
1999 by The Guide to Alternative Religions at the Mining Co. The most-cited
Internet authority on Thelema and Aleister Crowley in Robert Anton Wilson
's new book Everything is Under Control! T H ...
- The Book of the Law
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 18:27:14 GMT The Book of the Law Liber AL vel Legis sub
figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI Chapter I 1. Had! The manifestation
of Nuit. 2. The unveiling of the company of heaven. 3. Every man and every
woman is a star. 4. Every number is infinite; there...
- L.V.X. Oasis O.T.O. Fri,
21 Aug 1998 02:02:37 GMT The L.V.X. Oasis Home Page has moved to: http://www.lvxoasis.org
Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Further Information: Ordo Templi
Orientis Thelema Home Page This page is maintained by Vere Chappell (Email:
thelema@crl.com ). >...
- Directory of O.T.O.
Bodies Online Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:46:04 GMT Directory of O.T.O. Bodies
Online Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This directory has
been discontinued. Please refer to the following page for the latest lisiting
of O.T.O. Bodies Online: O.T.O. Contact Information Love is the law, love
- Membership in the O.T.O.
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:25:04 GMT Membership in the O.T.O. Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law. At this writing, O.T.O. has over 3,000 members,
and is active in 42 countries. Membership in O.T.O. is private in the sense
that names and addresses are not released to anyone, inc...
- Ordo Templi Orientis
GREETING AND HEALTH. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The
letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order ...
- Tools of CHAOS Mon, 10 May 1999
12:55:25 GMT Some praise truth so-called, but give it many containers;
forgetting its dependance they prove its relationship and paradox, the song
of experience and illusion. Paradox is not "truth", but the truth that anything
can be true for a time. What supersedes...
- Welcome to Crosswinds - Free e-mail,
unlimited web space and much more! The shape of free web hosting for
the new millennium! -- Latest News from Crosswinds -- The new, improved Member
Directory is here! Check it out now ! [ For more of the latest news, see the
updates ] In This Area Front Page About This Site Contact Us Fe...
- 302 Found Found
The document has moved here ....
- 302 Found
Found The document has moved here ....
- A Welsh Course A
Welsh Course Contents: Introduction Contents of the Course Other Network Resources
for Welsh Learners Cultural Resources Language Resources What's New by Mark
Nodine <r31609@email.mot.com> . Revision 1.37 of this page, last updated
on 1996/03...
- School of Computer Science
Web Tips Tue, 27 Apr 1999 20:23:28 GMT . cmu . scs . scs people . scs
projects . scs insider page . scs web tips . If the URL you're looking for
doesn't work, try these: Some hard-to-get-to popular sites Mark Kantrowitz's
Financial Aid site is no longer available via the SCS server. It...
- EHN's
Reading List Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:23:49 GMT EHN's Reading List Links
to texts, excerpts, quotations and notes acquired during recreational reading.
C OMPLETE L IST Baudelaire, Charles, The Flowers of Evil Burroughs, William
S., Interzone Burroughs, William S. (w/Daniel Odier), The Job Burroug...
- How to
Pray the Rosary: Moved Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:14:35 GMT This is a local
copy of a guide by Zoltan Abraham, last revised February 1998. The original
is here . A Detailed Guide to Our Lady's Rosary by Zoltan Abraham Copyright,
1994 Last Revised, February, 1998 Introduction: I wrote this article in 1994
- School of Computer Science,
CMU Tue, 04 May 1999 17:30:49 GMT School of Computer Science Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891 scs@cs.cmu.edu . (412)268-8525
. (412)268-5576 (fax) This is the main entrance to the School of Computer
Science for people coming in from outside the School. If you're looki...
- The Principia Discordia
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:03:48 GMT THE PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA or, How I Found the
Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her THE MAGNUM OPIATE OF MALACLYPSE
THE YOUNGER Wherein Is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About
Absolutely Anything Fourth Edition Introduction -- Robert...
- Pat's Home Page Sat, 07 Nov
1998 01:37:19 GMT Welcome to The Web of Pat! My Web site is currently under
major re-construction. For now, you can check out my resume . Check back later
for wonderful new updates to the rest of the p...
- The Art of Haruspicy
Mon, 25 Sep 1995 22:12:28 GMT ARS HARUSPICINA haec est DISCIPLINA
ETRUSCA a Ioanne Opsopoeo scripta magistro ordinis haruspicum LX * * * THE
ART OF HARUSPICY which is THE ETRUSCAN DISCIPLINE by John Opsopaus Introduction
Procedure Theory Pronunciation Guide Bibliography Introd...
- CSICOP On-line CSICOP On-line Committee
for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal Home Search :
Skeptical Inquirer Subscribe for the Internet price of $17.95 Skeptical Briefs
Join CSICOP as an associate member! Contact Us Ask the Answer Man Submi...
- CSICOP / Skeptical Inquirer CSICOP
On-line Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
Home Search : Skeptical Inquirer Subscribe for the Internet price of $17.95
Skeptical Briefs Join CSICOP as an associate member! Contact Us Ask the Answer
Man Submi...
- CSICOP On-line CSICOP On-line
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal Home
Search : Skeptical Inquirer Subscribe for the Internet price of $17.95 Skeptical
Briefs Join CSICOP as an associate member! Contact Us Ask the Answer Man Submi...
- Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Fri,
11 Sep 1998 08:23:06 GMT Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Please select
the server you are looking for: barf.org Biblical America Resistance Front
bwtel.com Baltimore-Washington Telephone csj.org American Family Foundation
csj.org/press.html American Family Foundation Press Inf...
- Catholic Encyclopedia:
ST. MARY MAGDALEN Fri, 22 Aug 1997 18:56:12 GMT St. Mary Magdalen Mary
Magdalen was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore
of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women's
hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. In the New Testament
- The Dark Goddesses
Sun, 16 May 1999 20:30:13 GMT "Reach out your hand, Kon. Feel the thing
you killed. That's her, that's the goddess...merely flesh, and under the flesh
and fleas and fur is the pus of her we forgot." -- Marvin Kaye and Parke Godwin,
The Masters of Solitude A re you sick o...
- Ordo Templi Orientis History
Thu, 20 May 1999 20:06:55 GMT The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon
A research by Peter-R. Koenig A detailed historical field research on the
psycho-sociology of a modern secret society called Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)
. All about modern day occultism and ...
- McDonaldisation of
Occulture Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:57:39 GMT The McDonaldisation of Occulture
by Peter-R. Koenig a) What is "McDonaldisation? By McDonaldisation I understand
the emphasis to be upon things which are calculable, and that can be counted
and quantified. In this context, quantity becomes incr...
- Typhonian Ordo Templi
Orientis Sat, 15 May 1999 13:15:16 GMT Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis
Document: Aleister Crowley appointing Kenneth Grant as his "successor as Outer
Head of the Order of the Templi Orientis" in 1947 ? The official comment of
the Typhonian O.T.O. [Michael Staley] Articl...
- Heathers Place: The
Mystical Source Wed, 06 Aug 1997 04:42:07 GMT Heathers Place: The Mystical
Source Well Met!!! Since I was a child, I have followed many paths of a mystical
nature.I have studied many traditions and practices, but I refrain from declaring
any single path as MY one true path, for there are many paths ...
- @arts -
Arts Directories and Indexes Sun, 12 May 1996 03:52:09 GMT DIRECTORIES
The Art Line Art student Sue Fraught discusses most of the major art movements
in Western art in this broad and well-organized site. ArtsLink Museums, galleries,
and artists in residence sponsored by Time Warner Electronic Publishing. ArtsNet
- Federazione di Damanhur - Home Page
Sat, 15 May 1999 14:52:54 GMT = 3) { imgbutinfo = new Image(); imgbutinfo.src
= "assets/images/butinfo.gif"; imgbutinfosel = new Image(); imgbutinfosel.src
= "assets/images/butinfosel.gif"; imgbuttempio = new Image(); imgbuttempio.src
= "assets/images/buttempio.gif"; imgbuttempiosel =...
- Moving! Mon, 02
Feb 1998 01:10:39 GMT http://www.tiac.net/users/snows/tree3.html The Dryad
is now reachable as snows@tiac.net ....
- Life Energy Research
of Wilhelm Reich (Orgone Theory) Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:37:32 GMT [ Frames
Version ] [ Home ] [ German Version ] [ Welcome ] [ News ] [ Network ] [ Magazine
] [ Consultation ] [ Site Map ] [ Search ] [ Guest Book ] '); } //--> Critical
Evaluation of the Life Energy Research of Wilhelm Reich (Orgone Theory) Publisher:
- Datadiwan, die Datenbank für
außergewöhnliches Wissen Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:39:18 GMT =3))
|| (theVersion >= 4)) DoEvents=1; if (DoEvents) { im = new Array(8) for(i
= 0; i Der Datadiwan Die Datenbank für außergewöhnliches Wissen
in der Ganzheitsmedizin und den Grenzgebieten der Wissenschaft Unsere Förderer
(bitte Them...
- Skeptic's
Dictionary Homepage Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com The Skeptic's Dictionary
is now at SkepDic.com ©copyright 1998 Robert Todd Carroll...
- The Official Home Page of Grateful Dead
Sun, 23 May 1999 18:31:50 GMT ...
- D.L. Hutchinson's Lovecraft Cards
Thursday, 31-Jul-97 14:51:16 GMT H.P. Lovecraft Tarot You need to have
frames to view this site. If you have any questions or comments, please send
a message to dlhutchi@alpha.delta.edu . Revised: August,1997...
- Demon Internet Ltd Fri, 21 May 1999
16:21:46 GMT Demon customers can sign up for Dfax online, or read about
the service . It's the Fax-to-email solution for your dial-up account! Demon
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TONE TO ALL YOUR DESIGNS The Ancient Writings Volume Two Series contains
6 distinct typefaces based on 'Old World' alphabets, some of which are still
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- Mikael G. Niklasson Home Page
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 13:22:52 GMT "Christ rode on an ass, but now asses ride
on Christ " - Heinrich Heine My motto My bookmarks The Virtual Earth and The
Soft Earth - Mirrors the official FAQ site in Australia daily Unofficial european
mirror to Project Redcap My own RPG Soci...
- Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Buddhist Cyber
Center Wed, 08 Jul 1998 06:08:36 GMT Welcome to the Diamond Way Buddhist
Cyber Center in San Francisco Kamtsang Chöling USA Kamtsang Chöling
USA is a nonprofit organization and part of a worldwide network of Buddhist
centers in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (KKBN)....
- Dictionary.com Services Shortcuts
to: Bestsellers Popular References Hot Music Copyright © 1999, Lexico
LLC . All rights reserved. Advertising Info Terms of Use Monday May 24, 1999
English Dictionary Search for the meaning and correct spelling of English
- Colin's Hermetic Kabbalah
Page Mon, 29 Mar 1999 22:33:43 GMT This site is dedicated to publishing
modern material on Kabbalah and related topics Kabbalah FAQ Created for the
Usenet and posted for some years, it grew very large and now lives here. It
has an extensive reading list combining Hermetic and traditional...
- Kabbalah FAQ
Sun, 04 Feb 1996 20:51:30 GMT Kabbalah FAQ Version: 3.0 Release Date: February
1996 This Kabbalah FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) was prepared for the Usenet/Internet
newsgroup "alt.magick". It is intended to provide a brief introduction to
Kabbalah, and pointers to additi...
- The Necronomicon
Anti-FAQ Wed, 05 May 1999 22:12:45 GMT The Necronomicon Anti-FAQ Each
thing evokes its opposite Kendrick's Nemesis Reasons are dried gripes Index
Q. What is the Necronomicon? Q. Where and when was the Necronomicon written?
Q. Who was Abdul Alhazred? Q. What is the printing history of the N...
SPARE ARCHIVE Mon, 14 Dec 1998 06:14:52 GMT THE GENIUS OF ZOS NEW!!!
ADVENTURES IN LIMBO -24 unpublished sketches 1944/45 NEW!!! A BOOK OF SATYRS
-28 unpublished sketches 1943/45 Please read the Background Information on
the new material. last updated 14 December, 1998, yera Maximus GRAPHICS up...
- Menu for /bar.map/ Menu
for /bar.map/ (Default) http://www.dimensional.com/ /search.html /help.html
/ports.html /spam.html /signup.html...
- Isis Unveiled Isis Unveiled
Occult Knowledge Spanning the Web --> The search for truth has been going
on for as long as humankind has been capable of conscious thought. For some
time now, western science has thought they have a monopoly on truth and on
the mechanics b...
- Horoscopes / Astrology
: Weekly Cyber-Stars from John James Thu, 22 Feb 1996 09:48:25 GMT
John James brings you the latest news from the collective unconscious. 19th
- 25th February US Site | UK Site Hi, Many thanks for all the lovely people
who wrote in last week... A big thanks to each and every one of you! The sky
this week is looking exc...
- Error in CGI
Application CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: Can't
open perl script "d:\inetpub\iusr_directnet\cgi-bin\randompoem.cgi": No such
file or directory...
- r a z o r f i s h Tue, 17 Nov 1998
23:49:15 GMT
- W.
Edwards Deming Mon, 12 Feb 1996 15:09:00 GMT 2.1 Deming's Message Deming
encouraged the Japanese to adopt a systematic approach to problem solving,
which later became known as the Deming or Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle Fig.2.1.
Deming, however, referred to it as the Shewhart Cycle, named after hi...
- Elizabethan Costuming Page
Text-only Version What's New Search for: General Information Overview of
an Elizabethan Outfit The Elizabethan Costuming Guide Ye Olde Elizabethan
Dress Shoppe Elizabethan Costume: A Brief Historic Study Speake Thy Minde
Historic Costume BBS Cost...
- Elizabethan Costuming
Page Text-only Version What's New Search for: General Information Overview
of an Elizabethan Outfit The Elizabethan Costuming Guide Ye Olde Elizabethan
Dress Shoppe Elizabethan Costume: A Brief Historic Study Speake Thy Minde
Historic Costume BBS Cost...
- The John Dee Publication Project
Fri, 21 May 1999 20:51:57 GMT "Enochian" Materials Welcome to the
John Dee Publication Project's web-site. The major purpose of this site is
to distribute primary-source materials relevant to the "Enochian" work of
John Dee and Edward Kelly, particularly reconstructions of Dee's Spiri...
- Conscious Dreaming and
Controlled Hallucinations Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:07:30 GMT Conscious Dreaming
and Controlled Hallucinations Claude de Contrecoeur ( patanie@hotmail.com
) Hiroé Aquasaca Patanîe Pongpatchamnanouàte This work is
dedicated to my cherished Hiroé Aquasaca, from Kasoukabé, Tôquiô,...
- Greetings in Thelema
Mon, 18 May 1998 16:21:36 GMT Greetings in Thelema! Do what thou wilt shall
be the whole of the Law. The Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn web site has
moved to its new server at: http://www.tgd.org Please update your bookmarks
to reflect this change. If your browser supports it, you...
- DragonHart/DragonLink Tue, 05 Jan 1999
00:25:09 GMT DragonHart Home Page (dragon.org) This page contains links
to pages related to magick, mysticism and similar matters. It's not sorted,
and it's under construction. Organizations Hermetica Traditional Groups Modern
Groups Own Texts Practical Magick General...
- Hermetica Tue, 25 May
1999 03:49:34 GMT Hermetica Alchemy Alchemy directory at Lysator Alchemy
directory at nic.funet.fi Who is Hermes Trismesgistos? Metals in Astrology
. Alchemical processing of plants , from alt.magick, by Josh Geller Astrology
Astrology directory at Lysator Real Astrology t...
- The Druid Gate. Druidry, Druidic
rituals and holidays, Celtic shamanism, Wicca, Druid organizations and more!
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:46:05 GMT Cead Mile Failte! You have entered the sacred
ring of stones. Stand in the center of the ancient temple of the Druids. Their
wisdoms speak across centuries for those with careful ears. Listen to the
echo of once forgotten truths, as they emerge from the ...
- The Cabinet of Dr. Casey - The
Horror Web Page Copyright © 1997 by Alan M. Clark Horror In Art
Horror In The Cabinet Horror In Comic Books Horror In Games Horror On The
Internet Horror In Literature Horror In Movies Horror In Music Horror In Radio
Horror In Television Horror In Theater Site Index...
- the DreamRoads Collective Sun,
26 Oct 1997 20:43:25 GMT Viewing this page requires a browser capable of
displaying frames....
- Morgana's Observatory:
Controversies and Coverups Sat, 17 Apr 1999 18:48:14 GMT "); // -->
Jupiter ~ "Overlord" of the Gods Controversies and Coverups This section will
be changing and/or growing as more interesting controversies emerge. Many
of the items I've chosen to report correlate to the prophecies collected on
Planet Saturn....
- Morgana's Observatory:
Controversies (Rennes-le-Château) Sat, 22 May 1999 12:33:11 GMT
"); // --> Metis [Click on the name of the moon above for astronomical information.]
Metis (Greek): A Titan; first wife of Zeus. Administered a draught to Saturn,
causing him to disgorge his children, whom he had eaten. (Moon of Jupiter
.) Mysteries of ...
- Ommadawn's International Drum Circle
Directory Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:15:19 GMT Healing Process Begins in Colorado
There was a community drumcircle for the Columbine High School community on
Sunday, April 35, 1999. Here's a review Copyright notice: This information
is copyright 1995-1999 by Bob Anzlovar. Permission is granted for p...
- Ommadawn's Shingle On The
Net Sat, 02 Aug 1997 18:49:06 GMT
- Annika's Homepage - Surrealism
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 19:52:36 GMT Surrealism Surrealism in art - a style in
which imagery is based on fantasy and the world of dreams - grew out of a
French literary movement founded during the 1920s. The term surrealist was
coined by Guillaume Apollinaire in 1917; the artistic movem...
- What a load
of codswallop, pet! (Frames Version) Tue, 24 Jun 1997 20:07:19 GMT
- Apostolic Gnosis
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 02:20:24 GMT Apostolic Gnosis Journal of the Athenea Theologica
Seminary Institute of The Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica (E.G.A.) sm U.S.A.
for the Jurisdiction of the Diocese of the Midwest Centenary Issue Volume
I, No. 1 (To celebrate the 100 years of the Eglise Gnost...
- Dzogchen Foundation - Buddhism for the
West: Lama Surya Das Mon, 24 May 1999 17:20:16 GMT New in the View
Introduction & FAQ Lama Surya Das Teaching Schedule Retreats Books and Tapes
Reference Library Connections B U D D H I S M F O R T H E W E S T Lama Surya
Das Dzogchen - the "Innate Great...
- Lama Surya Das Mon, 24 May
1999 20:46:23 GMT Home News FAQ Lama Surya Das Retreats Teaching Schedule
Order Books & Tapes Reference Links Lama Surya Das Latest Update: 24 May 1999
Lama Surya's Biography His Teaching Schedule New in the View Home News FAQ
Lama S...
- East West Spiritual and New Age Books
and Tapes Tue, 19 Jan 1999 06:25:30 GMT The Deepest Line of Spiritual
& New Age Books & Tapes on the Net We give you additional products free with
each order including titles from Louise Hay, J. Donald Walters, Robert Rabbin,
Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Marie Herbert & Terah Collin...
- Michael Sanborn Fri, 23 Apr
1999 21:27:25 GMT O ECUMENE "I don't hold with paddlin' with the occult,"
said Granny firmly. "Once you start paddlin' with the occult you start believing
in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in
demons, and then before you know where ...
- Michael Sanborn Fri,
23 Apr 1999 21:27:25 GMT O ECUMENE "I don't hold with paddlin' with the
occult," said Granny firmly. "Once you start paddlin' with the occult you
start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start
believing in demons, and then before you know where ...
- The Naassene Psalm
Tue, 30 May 1995 20:56:59 GMT The Naassene Psalm The Law of Universal Genesis
was the firstborn nous; the second Chaos shed by the firstborn. The third
was received by the soul... Clad in the shape of a hind she is worn away in
death's slavery. Now she has mastery and glimpses light:...
- A Valentinian Mass
Mon, 22 May 1995 19:07:32 GMT A Valentinian Mass A Ritual Based on Historical
Valentinian Materials by Michael Sanborn with Stacey Gamble ( Magus enters
with ewer and aspergill, Sophia with paten and cup. Bindings are at East Altar,
censer and books at Central Altar. The people have ...
- De Web Mysteriis (AJL
Cthulhu Pages) Sat, 23 May 1998 19:45:42 GMT Original picture (c) by
Laurent Alquier Search this site by THEME or KEYWORD ? --> F ools ! Y ou have
no idea of the horrors crawling in the darkness of the ignorance of human
beings. I was like you once, a long time ago. It was before I found som...
- Necronomicon
Project - Index Thu, 17 Jul 1997 00:17:56 GMT Al Azif - N ecronomicon
Ye Book of Ye Arab, Abdul Alhazred, 730 at Damascus - Disclaimer - Read this
first. Notes and Credits concerning this edition Done into HTML by AJL - Foreword
- Historical notes - by H.P. Lovecraft Myth or Reality ? - refere...
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 22:19:53 GMT Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937)
This page is roughly a copy of the Howard Phillips Lovecraft page by Dave
Simpson Please note that is page is no longer updated by its owner AJL - 'De
Web Mysteriis' Introduction to the Man and the Mythos Who is this...
- Introduction, NAEQ6
Thu, 28 May 1998 20:06:24 GMT THE NEW AEON ENGLISH QABALAH, CYPHER 6 Introduction
If the words "qabalah", "gematria" or "notiqarion" are meaningless to you,
then so will be the rest of this slim volume. If, however, you are a serious
student of the High Mysteries, of Aleister Crow...
- Christian's SARAH
MCLACHLAN Page. Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:36:12 GMT
- Guide to Medicinal Herbs
Online: Premenstrual Syndrome Mon, 26 Apr 1999 03:24:32 GMT Premenstrual
Syndrome (PMS) DEFINITION: A syndrome that occurs several days prior to the
onset of menstruation. Characterized by one or more of the following: irritability,
emotional tension, anxiety , mood changes, esp., depression , headache , breast...
EGYPT KMT offers a selection of the current "online" issue. To view the front
and back covers and access selected articles in the NEWEST ONLINE ISSUE OF
KMT click (SPRING 1999). To see past issues of KMT select ...
- Reeder's Egypt Page Sat,
06 Feb 1999 23:26:14 GMT This page is dedicated to examining the art, archaeology,
religion and history of Egypt. Comments and suggestions should be sent to
: Greg Reeder (reeder@sirius.com) No current study of Egyptology would be
complete without a cop...
- Leigh Ann's Homepage
The Brazen Hussey Spoke Emporium and Miscellaneous Arcana Repository 2
Feb 1999 Greetings! It's spring cleaning time, and I've taken the opportunity
to tune up this site fairly substantially. There're still a few pages I haven't
actually put up here yet...
- Gothic Paganism
- an Introductory Essay Fri, 09 Oct 1998 06:00:58 GMT Gothic Paganism
- an Introductory Essay Gothdom embraces all religions, all denominations
and all races, but it is not a religious movement. Many Goths are atheists
and a sizable minority are new age spiritualists, Wiccans or pagans, Thelemites,
and me...
- Gnostic Friends Network - Read Disclaimer
and Click Christ to Continue WARNING: FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. By
entering this site you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older.
WARNING: FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. The Gnostic Friends Network contains graphic
depictions and descriptions of incubi, succubi, brainwashing...
- The Faithful
(Maria the Magdalene) by Madeline M. Roberts Tue, 24 Oct 1995 16:29:15
GMT The Faithful (Maria the Magdalene) madeline m. roberts So easy to string
words like beads my best friend gave me to wind words like the cloth my mothers
made me to tie and bind you to me cut your winds and build your cage black
curls fell across her ruddy...
- Lovecraftian Qabalah
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 22:12:08 GMT This page and all contents copyright 1997
by John L. Smith Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Table
1 / Table 2 / Table 4 The Star Onyx Ritual / Mount Voormithadreth Introduction
Kenneth Grant is to blame for this. It was some years a...
- John's Creeping Homepage
of Doom Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:50:53 GMT This page and all contents copyright
1997-1998 by John L. Smith My Other Pages About Me My Portfolio My Resume
Typhonian Tomes The Thelemite Test Lovecraftian Qabalah Qartoon Qabalah Magical
Games My Links Page Contact Me . Well, My name is John and I am...
- Typhonian Tomes
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 22:30:20 GMT This page and all contents copyright 1997-1998
by John L. Smith Contents 0: Introduction I: The Magical Revival II: Aleister
Crowley and the Hidden God III: Cults of the Shadow IV: Images and Oracles
of Austin Osman Spare V: Nightside of Eden VI: O...
- Entheogen Dot Thu, 13 May 1999 02:32:00
GMT Riding the Wings of Reality Join our Forums Entheogen Links Entheogen
Supply Security Extraction Entheogen Law Editorial News Archives Books Discussion
Forums Forum Rules ...
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- Hyperreal Thu, 01 Apr 1999 08:15:49
GMT Hyperreal Web Sites Hi. You've reached this page because your browser
does not support the HTTP/1.1 "Host:" header. You may have meant to get to
one of our member sites, but without that header it's impossible for us to
tell. You can try to follow a link ...
- Under Construction! Tue, 23
Jun 1998 06:19:01 GMT ...
- Essentia - Spirituality, Meditation,
Enlightenment and Well-Being Tue, 11 May 1999 14:16:19 GMT Essentia
is dedicated to promoting Spirituality, Enlightenment, community culture and
personal well-being. The site has a large collection art, music, literature
and quotes covering a wide range of topics such as Psychology, Philosophy,
Religion, Lifestyl...
- Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com)
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:23:06 GMT Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Please
select the server you are looking for: barf.org Biblical America Resistance
Front bwtel.com Baltimore-Washington Telephone csj.org American Family Foundation
csj.org/press.html American Family Foundation Press Inf...
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- IOT Americas MENU.
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:40:20 GMT Table Of Contents What Is CMT? IOT History
Books Initiation Available Products Links Finally the New Issue of The Kaos
Magick Journal is here. Check Out Phil Hine's New Book Permutations Comments
& Questions about this site: discord@execpc.com Th...
- Mind Travel Plus [Home
Page] Thu, 01 Oct 1998 00:44:09 GMT
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Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-99 07:05 - lastufo/
06-Nov-98 12:26 - mars/ 16-Oct-97 13:08 - ...
- Facade Welcome to Facade, the premiere
designer of interactive attractions on the Inter...
- Facade Welcome to Facade,
the premiere designer of interactive attractions on the Inter...
- Tarot Tarot Welcome
to the original World Wide Web Tarot site! We have been providing ...
- Haiku Tue, 17 Jun 1997
23:40:16 GMT Haiku HOW-TO HAIKU Another Definition of Haiku - Jane Reichhold
Haiku Rules That Have Come and Gone - Jane Reichhold Some Thoughts on Rethinking
Haiku - Jane Reichhold Forms in English Haiku - Keiko Imaoka ARTICLES ON HAIKU
WRITING A Reading of the Pr...
- WebMuseum:
Grünewald, Matthias: The Crucifixion Sun, 29 Oct 1995 08:12:00 GMT
Grünewald, Matthias The Crucifixion 1515 (140 Kb); Panel from the Isenheim
altarpiece: oil on wood 269 x 307 cm (105 7/8 x 120 7/8 in); Musee d'Unterlinden,
Colmar Art for him did not consist in the search for the hidden laws of beauty
- for him it could ...
- basics1 Fri,
26 Mar 1999 04:29:41 GMT The Basics of the Kabbalistic System R. T. Gault
I The Kabbalistic system related to the tarot is one developed by the 19th
century occultists in France and England. It is sometimes called the "Christian
Kabbalah" in order to distinguish it from th...
- Differences in
Tarot Systems I Fri, 10 Jul 1998 05:06:20 GMT Differences in Tarot
Systems I R.T. Gault The modern tarot decks derived from the Waite deck have
several major differences when compared to traditional French and Italian
decks of the 19th Century. Secondly, the Kabbalistic correspondences of the
- Kabbalistic Correspondences
for the Tarot Deck Fri, 10 Jul 1998 05:06:28 GMT Kabbalistic Correspondences
for the Tarot Deck R. T. Gault The following are the basic attributions of
the tarot cards to the Tree of Life. It's important to point out that these
are the Golden Dawn correspondences, and that they are the most commonly...
- Bibliography of
Talbot Mundy's Tibetan and Jimgrim Novels Tue, 25 May 1999 03:42:01 GMT
Bibliographic Information on Talbot Mundy's Tibetan, Jimgrim, and Tros Story
Series Mundy Page Mundy & Theosophical Society The "Tibetan Novels." Reader
Feedback page...
- Talbot Mundy's
"Tibetan" Novels I Tue, 25 May 1999 03:42:09 GMT Some Notes on Talbot
Mundy's "Tibetan" Novels Mundy Page Mundy & Theosophical Society MundyBibliography.
Reader Feedback page. Talbot Mundy's five "Tibetan novels" are Om (1922),
- Numbered Carts
in a Tarot Read Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:43:43 GMT The Numbered Cards in
a Tarot Read R.T.Gault Students of the tarot often find themselves knowing
and grasping the significance of the Major Arcana, and the court cards, but
sometimes less than familiar with the numbered or "pip" cards in the deck.
Over ha...
- Tarot Page Wed,
12 May 1999 00:24:51 GMT Tarot Page The material on these pages were originally
written as supplemental readings and handouts for a tarot class . More material
will appear here as time and server space permit. The One Hundred Best Esoteric
Books of the Twentieth Century. &...
- Tableside Manner
in a Tarot Read Wed, 14 Oct 1998 06:09:37 GMT Tableside Manner in a
Tarot Read I teach a "blind read" -- that is, the reader is not told anything
about the question asked by the subject. This keeps the reader honest, and
reduces the tendency of the tarot reader to project his or her own preconceived
- Flashback Online : scandinavia Est.
1983 | Tisdag 25 Maj 1999 | Du är besökare 5153056 (över 5
miljoner) sedan juni 1995 flashback@flashback.se | Fax: +46-8-503 111 03 |
Flashback, Box 26067, 100 41 Stockholm Artiklar, notiser & intervjuer ur Flashback
magazine -+-+-+...
- Religion:
satanism, ockultism & magi Sun, 28 Jan 1996 13:48:30 GMT R ELIGION:
SATANISM, OCKULTISM & MAGI A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A About Witchcraft Alchemy
Home Page The Alt. Satanism FAQ Anders Magick Page Association ...
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- The
Blake Multimedia Project Wed, 25 Nov 1998 00:21:44 GMT The Blake Multimedia
Project The Blake Multimedia Project is an approach to studying and teaching
the works of William Blake using the tools of computer technology. Though
he lived two hundred years ago, Blake himself was a multimedia artist whose
work c...
- Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Fri,
11 Sep 1998 08:23:06 GMT Web Servers at MTD Media (mtd.com) Please select
the server you are looking for: barf.org Biblical America Resistance Front
bwtel.com Baltimore-Washington Telephone csj.org American Family Foundation
csj.org/press.html American Family Foundation Press Inf...
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