
- Medieval Sourcebook:
Raynaldus: on the Accusations against the Albigensians Thu, 25 Apr 1996
12:44:44 GMT Back to Medieval Source Book Medieval Sourcebook: Raynaldus:
on the Accusations against the Albigensians We know the beliefs of the Cathars,
or "Albigensians" mainly through the writings of opponents. This account is
from an early thirtheenth century ch...
- hellshaw.com Fri, 21 May 1999
13:55:46 GMT an exercise in blatant self-promotion: now the slate is clean,
the scribbling restarts New: UnConventional Means 2 - Blather just about survives
the Fortean Times UnConvention in London New: Foolishness and Codology - Blather
goes to the Festival of Foo...
- Spiritualism - Emanuel Swedenborg.
Sun, 02 May 1999 14:21:26 GMT Forerunners to Modern Spiritualism Emanuel
Swedenborg (1688-1772) By Rev. Simeon Stefanidakis Arthur Conan Doyle, in
his classic The History of Spiritualism, made the following comments concerning
the Swedish seer, Emanuel Swedenborg: "When the first ray...
- First Spiritual Temple: A Christian
Spiritualist Church Fri, 07 May 1999 16:59:12 GMT First Spiritual Temple
- Founded June 28, 1883 by Marcellus Seth Ayer - Celebrating 115 Years - Making
Sense of God, Spirit, Christ, and Spiritualism - The First Spiritual Temple
is a non-denominational Christian Spiritualist Church. Our Christian faith
- Sun Ra Sat, 02 May
1998 14:08:45 GMT Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Harmonies by Scott McFarland
(February 1997) Sun Ra was born on the planet Saturn, ages ago, and spent
some time on Earth using the power of music to demonstrate the virtues of
discipline and harmony to members of this planet....
- GaiaMind Mon, 21 Sep 1998
10:15:56 GMT GaiaMind Global Meditation & Prayer January 23, 1997 Imagine
people all over the world sharing a moment of meditation and prayer, a moment
of unified global consciousness when people from the world's many diverse
spiritual traditions simultaneously fo...
Stanley Tomshinsky Sat, 21 Mar 1998 09:55:06 GMT Sorry, but you are
using a FRAMES incapable browser... See ON THE WAY with out a frame, don't
dispair the images are the same. Forty paintings and drawing that illustrate
energy in movement and insights into symbolism, ranging in manner from conceptual
- The Theosophical Society
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 11:38:28 GMT THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Disclaimer The Theosophical
Society is a world-wide organization founded by Madame H.P. Blavatsky, William
Q. Judge and Col. H.S. Olcott at New York on November 17, 1875. Since 1882
its International Headquarters are located at A...
- spyfood presents:geekgirl Thu,
06 May 1999 00:56:28 GMT Welcome to geekgirl hyperzine . ISSN 1328-5742
shop | e-cards | s.p.r.a.c.i | e-mail | backissues . New issue online April
1, no fools allowed! The phallic and the funky! Geekgirl is proudly hosted
by Sausage producers of evend and the world's b...
- The Secret Society for the
Abolition of Secret Societies Mon, 02 Dec 1996 19:08:18 GMT
- Phreak's Little Corner
of Hell Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:44:35 GMT Phreak's Little Corner of Hell
has moved. The new site has no advertisements and runs off a much faster server.
Click here to go to the new site  ...
- Skeptics info
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:03:32 GMT --> --> --> --> --> Scientific skepticism,
UFOs and the flying saucer myth Extraordinary claims that are testable ought
to be tested and that is the basis for scientific skepticism: extraordinary
claims demand extraordinary evidence. A personal interest o...
- Mark
Wells Dimension Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:47:50 GMT .... This site was last
updated on Wednesday, March 24th, 1999. Who is Mark Wells? (My Biography)
A Shrine to Kali My "House of Eshu" Page The Mystery of Lam ..................
L inks To Magickal Domains Kiblah Web-site Liber@M ...
- Societas Rosicruciana in
Civitatibus Foederatis Tue, 03 Feb 1998 07:40:49 GMT Click on the picture
to enter! Post CXX Annos Patebo 1484 A.D. Copyright ©1998 California College,
S.R.I.C.F All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced
or re-transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
- The Pagan Witchcraft
Wicca Directory! Tue, 25 May 1999 04:03:40 GMT Merry Meet! The main
purpose of this page is to provide a place where Pagan homesteaders in Athens
and GeoCities in general can list their pages. Submissions Re-Opened If you
would like to have your page listed here please let me know! Send me an email
- Collected
Poems of William Butler Yeats Tue, 25 May 1999 04:03:42 GMT --> -->
Wanderings of Oisin Crossways The Rose The Wind Among The Reeds The Old Age
of Queen Maeve Baile and Aillinn In The Seven Woods The Shadowy Waters The
Green Helmet an...
- Pagan Websites
Mon, 29 Dec 1997 02:52:26 GMT Pagan Weblinks Below are a number of Pagan-related
websites that I've visited. Some are personal pages, others are organizations...
and each is an interpretation of spirituality. Have fun, wander around, and
please, if a link doesn't work, email me and I'...
- Springs Of Living Water
Tape Library Tue, 23 Feb 1999 23:11:48 GMT Springs Of Living Water
Tape Library P.O. Box 32636 Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 USA 1-800-485-3369
Keywords: Tape Library, tapes, books, Bible, Christian, Religious, Spiritual,
teaching, preaching, free, mail, lending, cassettes, Gospel, music, Springs
- Index of /Athens/9630
Index of /Athens/9630 Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory
23-May-99 02:12 - 003-sample.jpg 25-Jan-99 16:09 3k 005-sample.jpg 15-Nov-98
20:16 5k 22bernall.jpg 27-Apr-99 22:20 11k 22depooter.jp...
- The
Julian Society Mon, 24 May 1999 17:24:17 GMT THE JULIAN SOCIETY In
360 A.D., the Emperor Julian became the last Pagan ruler of the Roman Empire.
Known as "Julian the Apostate" because he had been raised a Christian but
then later converted to Paganism, he worked to re-establish the worship of
the an...
- PsYkLo'S BiN
Wed, 06 May 1998 19:36:53 GMT Welcome Humans! You start to feel weak as
you shift through time and space where there is no reality just my world.
You have entered PsYkLo'S BiN Where there is no censorship, or hatred to my
fellow humans. I control what you see and hear. If you don't li...
- The Enlightened
Page Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:04 GMT --> --> Theosophy: lit. the wisdom,
or knowledge, of God Software Downloads Award Offered by this Site View the
Award Winners Awards this Site has Won Occult Web Chat Server Link Visit Amazon
, The Best Source of Occult & Mystical Books Around Tell a...
- Akhentef's World
- The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:06 GMT
--> --> If you have come to this page in a frame from another site, Click
here to break free . Logo was made for me by Ham's Place on the Web Hello
and welcome to Akhentef's World. May the light of the Gods and Goddesses shine
in and with you always. IND...
- Kabalah-Online's
Home Page Sat, 22 Nov 1997 19:51:58 GMT Kabalah Online We are just
now moving in but as we do we will try to give you a full and deep understanding
into Kabalistic and Chassidic philosophy. A TENTATIVE LIST OF HEADINGS: 1.
- Uriel's Homepage
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 00:49:11 GMT This is my homepage and the hobbies I enjoy.
Take a peek, you might find something that you like, and if not, well we all
can't be unique. Poetry Corner My band Occult Music Society Good Web Pages
Sign the Guestbook Everything on these pages are copyrig...
- Stormlight's
Wiccan Links Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:11 GMT --> --> Stormlight's Wiccan
Links This page will shortly be under severe (re)construction; I am checking
every link to check that they all work- those that don't will be scrapped
or fixed. Things may not be where they were when you were last here. Please...
- Living Flame Camp,
O.T.O. - Home Page Wed, 28 Apr 1999 02:58:47 GMT Do What Thou Wilt
Shall Be The Whole of the Law. ... Latest update: 4/27/99 e.v. Living Flame
Camp, O.T.O. P.O. Box 2156 Martinsburg, WV 25402 E-mail Living Flame Please
Review our E-mail and Zero Spam Tolerance Policy Chartered January 12...
- Xenda'ths Splash
Page Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:16 GMT --> --> Please support this campaign
(press here) A Proud Member of the Channel 93 Webring Previous Site Index
Next Site This site is also a proud member of the Aleister Crowley Foundation
Spinning Sol Image created by The Art of Magick . Go there ...
- Insight to Religions
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:18 GMT Insight to Religions Dear Brothers
& Sisters, Greetings of Peace to one and all. Welcome to the Religious
Research Centre, home page. This centre deals more on comparative studies,
undertaken between most of the commonly known belief syst...
- listening
to nothinglessness.....mess... Sat, 04 Jul 1998 03:47:59 GMT Gone.
Zip. Nada. No more. I'm on to bigger and better things. .... c-ya *~GeNiE
--> -->...
- Strange Fire
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:27:19 GMT TO "Now Aaron's sons (entered the Tabernacle)...
and they offered a strange fire to the Lord, such as the Lord had not commanded
them. And fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them and
they died before the Lord." Leviticus 10:1-3 Like...
- "Nazi
Trapezoid" debunked Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:24 GMT
- road to enochiana
Sat, 25 Jul 1998 04:14:41 GMT enter --> -->...
- road to
enochiana Sat, 25 Jul 1998 04:14:41 GMT enter --> -->...
- Shadow Maze
~ road to enochiana Sat, 25 Jul 1998 04:14:46 GMT The Shadow Maze 48
CLAVES ANGELICAE of Dr. John Dee ~ also known as the Enochian Keys ~ translated
into the phonetic format © 1997 by Parker Torrence To Enter the Shadow
Maze, click HERE other links Road to Enochiana Book Store The Enochian Crystal
- Unhewn Stone
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 01:10:11 GMT ~ Unhewn Stone ~ We are Guardian Witches.
A family tradition, hereditary-orientated group of Pagans. We gather to perform
rites and Tides. Our rites are held at the new and full moons; our Tides are
seasonal and are nine in number. We are commonly ...
- Bifrost
Kindred of Edmonton - An Ásatrú Kindred Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:30:15 GMT
The Kindred has found a new home for its website http://www.rapidowl.com/bifrost
Please adjust your bookmarks. There's no telling how long this page will last.
This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page --> -->...
- The Invisible Basilica
of Sabazius Sun, 05 Oct 1997 17:26:39 GMT This page hosted by Get your
own Free Home Page --> -->...
- The Invisible
Basilica: Contents Sun, 29 Nov 1998 20:08:46 GMT The Invisible Basilica
of Sabazius Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. MIRROR SITE at
MAIL Portico Click here to download the Merlin font. Created 4/27/97 e.v.
Last u...
- Sanctum Sanctorum:
Golden Dawn Resources Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:39 GMT --> --> browserName=navigator.appName;
browserVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if(browserName=="Netscape" && browserVer
>=3) version="n3"; else version="n2"; if(version=="n3"){ ledger2=new Image;
ledger2.src="pics/ledger2.jpg"; read2=new Image; read2.s...
Dorada) Tue, 03 Nov 1998 23:32:17 GMT "Por largo tiempo has morado
en la Oscuridad. Abandona la Noche Y Busca el Día. " --> -->...
- Welcome
to GeoCities Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:46 GMT Oops! We're having a problem
finding this page. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/8111/Channel93-Index.html
It is possible we are having technical difficulties check out our system
status page for updates. Only On Yahoo! Search Yahoo! Pager Fi...
- Church of Gnostic
Luminism Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:50 GMT --> --> CHURCH OF GNOSTIC LUMINISM
THE FUTURE BEGINS NOW Visit Our New Mirror Site Luminist.org THE PSYCHEDELIC
- Castle of the
Silver Star Tue, 27 Apr 1999 03:40:53 GMT Castle of the Silver
Star Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Under Construction
& Last Updated 4/26/99 E.V. Please be patient while photographs load Regarding
Thelema Rare, Out-of-Print, or Previously Unpublished Works by Ale...
- Welcome
to GeoCities Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:57 GMT Oops! We're having a problem
finding this page. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1897/961114c.htm
It is possible we are having technical difficulties check out our system
status page for updates. Only On Yahoo! Search Yahoo! Pager Find y...
- Welcome
to GeoCities Tue, 25 May 1999 04:04:59 GMT Oops! We're having a problem
finding this page. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1897/961114c.htm,
It is possible we are having technical difficulties check out our system
status page for updates. Only On Yahoo! Search Yahoo! Pager Find ...
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:01 GMT --> --> Welcome to the Controversey Page
. Check back to see if an article you like is one I discuss Coming Soon, A
new more updated and better Controversey Page Here are my topic links Local
News National News World News COMING SOON Sign Controversey Boo...
- QBLH-RC+ : Grand Lodge
and official website of The Hermetic Alchemical Order of QBLH, established
1960. alchemy, magick, qabalah, astrology, Thelema, occult Sun, 20 Dec
1998 05:58:11 GMT The Hermetic Alchemical Order of QBLH ALCHEMY - MAGICK
- QABALAH - ASTROLOGY - THELEMA Established 1960 E.V. 93 '); // --> --> -->...
- Welcome to GeoCities
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:04 GMT Oops! We're having a problem finding this
page. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/1136/occlinks.html It is possible we
are having technical difficulties check out our system status page
for updates. Only On Yahoo! Search Yahoo! Pager Find your friend...
- Tarot Inspiration - The book
of Thoth website Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:06 GMT
- Druidry Sun, 17
Jan 1999 23:03:10 GMT
- THE HENGE Sat, 21
Mar 1998 12:23:30 GMT The Church of Rhiannon after 12 very short years,
has retired. Thanks to all those who made our circles unforgettable. The circle
sleeps now and awaits the coming of the Age of Seed and Fruit. Blessings to
all who have passed through The Henge. The Circ...
- Kostja'z
page of Occultistic linkz Mon, 05 Oct 1998 13:09:04 GMT Welcome to
Kostja 's page of Links (occult-like links:) Things you can find here : Mysticism
related links or just highly recommended pages :) Magic related linkz Orders/Schools/Places
linkz Other (+ Sign my GuestBook ) NEW - A new project i'm workin...
- My Page
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 08:40:52 GMT ** THE ENCHANTED DREAM ** *** THE MOST ADVANCED
IDEAS *** TO GET PASSWORD... Sign Up your name ' ISREAL Local Time (GMT+2):
Name: URL: Email: Country: Your Comments: --> CLICK HERE TO ENTER PASSWORD
- Alternadick No.1
-- The Jazz Life Sun, 18 Aug 1996 15:34:54 GMT From THE NEW GROVE DICTIONARY
OF JAZZ , 1998 ed. DICK, Philip K(indred), 1928-1982 . American pianist and
composer, born Chicago, Illinois USA; died Stockholm, Sweden. Best known for
avant-standard, "Blues for PE." Early collaborator with Ornette Coleman...
- jack kerouac and allen ginsberg
for now Wed, 09 Apr 1997 00:30:28 GMT ahhhhhhhhh im so confused!!!!!
well i figured out how to put pics on my page! it took me long enough. well
actually my girlfriend told me how a few times, but that doesnt mean im stupid.
just slow. really slow. ...who the hell am i talking to any ways...
- The Ninth Night & The Elektrikal
Dark Tower Thu, 28 May 1998 07:19:26 GMT The Elektrikal Dark Tower
The Tower has upped and moved to http://www.viper.net.au/~lwild © 1998 lwild@viper.net.au
The Daemonic Numberer has counted Psyches entering the Tower This page hosted
by Get your own Free Home Page --> -->...
- Empty Rooms and their
Occupants Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:04:12 GMT EMPTY ROOMS AND THEIR OCCUPANTS
Home of the VERY (un)official Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O. Web-Site Here you
can read all about Scarlet Woman Oasis has added the "Scarlet Storehouse"
to their web-site You can go here to access Dabbler's The...
- Step through the Portal of
Zan kel and welcome to The Gate Keeper's Inne! Mon, 17 May 1999 23:44:53
GMT Dusk was approaching and threatening rumbles from the Southern skies
hinted of an approaching storm. Your journey through the mystical land of
Zan-Kel has been a long and exhausting one. You long for rest and a tankard
of warm, frothy Ale. Suddenly, up ...
- The Official Dan
Clore Homepage / The Website of Lord Weÿrdgliffe Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:28
GMT --> --> The Official Dan Clore Homepage The Website of Lord Weÿrdgliffe
Welcome to the Waughters.... One night in 1796, after drinking too many bottles
of laudanum, and eating too many platefuls of Welsh rabbit, Lord Weÿrdgliffe
retired to sleep...
- The Dan Clore Necronomicon
Page Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:30 GMT --> --> The Dan Clore Necronomicon
Page: Everything You Never Wanted To Know About The Necronomicon ( Al Azif
) Of The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred But Weren't Afraid Enough To Know Better
Than To Ask! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. The s...
- Qadash Kinahnu - Gateway
to a Canaanite Phoenician Temple Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:44 GMT Welcome
to Qadash Kinahnu I am Lilinah biti-Anat, head priestess here and dedicant
to the Canaanite Goddess Anat. The purpose of this temple is the explanation
and worship of the ancient deities of Canaan and Phoenicia, an area in the
Near East which incl...
- LunaSea's
Neo-Pagan Links Sun, 24 Jan 1999 19:40:04 GMT LunaSea's Neo-Pagan Links
This is a very selective and subjective set of links and i'm always on the
look-out for something a little different. I prefer pages that are enriched
with incredible art (graphic or poetic), contain amazingly detailed informatio...
- Altar to the Eclectic
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:49 GMT [ aeclectic tarot ] [ t a r o t ] [ the autobio
] [ solandia's bookshelf ] [ sign guestbook ] [ original art ] [ medieval
links ] [ writings ] [ dark poetry ] [ strange... links ] [ awards ] [ email
Solandia ] [ award of the altar ] [ worthy ca...
- My
St. John's Wort (hypericum) web pages, as a treatment for depression Wed,
03 Mar 1999 07:18:37 GMT Welcome to my St. John's Wort page! Enter with
frames (recommended) Enter with no frames (for older browsers) --> -->...
- The Blackwood
Site Tue, 25 May 1999 04:05:55 GMT --> --> Biography Quotes Books Links
Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) was a prolific fantasy and horror writer whose
total production consists of more than 200 short stories, 12 novels, a couple
of plays, an autobiography and even some...
- Lyrics Fit
For The Apocalypse Sat, 17 May 1997 02:09:21 GMT *stretching her aching
fingers* Slitting my wrists made my hands feel better than this.....Anyway,
here are all the lyrics to AntiChrist Superstar and as soon as my fingers
manage to un-curl from the claw formation, I'll put up the lyrics for SLC
and POAA...
THY NEIGHBOR Thu, 23 Jul 1998 19:19:38 GMT you sicken me...... frames
no frames ......salvation will be yours simply by choosing # OF DAMNED SOULS
VISITED var timed = 0; var scrollGo = false; var delay=100; //make this variable
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- ^*^
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- ^*^
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- Welcome
to GeoCities Tue, 25 May 1999 04:06:02 GMT Oops! We're having a problem
finding this page. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/3196/pzb.html
It is possible we are having technical difficulties check out our system
status page for updates. Only On Yahoo! Search Yahoo! Pager Find you...
- Enigma
Lyrics Page Fri, 26 Mar 1999 18:32:35 GMT --> -->...
- Japanese Death Poetry
and other forms of Japanese Poetic Literature Mon, 27 Jul 1998 01:17:12
- Geo-Index Thu, 02
Apr 1998 17:15:07 GMT We moved. We now have our own domain name. Please
visit www.cybergrrlz.com and make sure you bookmark the new address LinkExchange
Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities --> -->...
- m e d a e v i a Tue,
25 May 1999 04:06:11 GMT m e d a e v i a a site partly about women of the
middle ages Enter --> --> © 1997, 1998 Solandia...
- Altar to the Eclectic
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:03:22 GMT [ aeclectic tarot ] [ t a r o t ] [ the autobio
] [ solandia's bookshelf ] [ sign guestbook ] [ original art ] [ medieval
links ] [ writings ] [ dark poetry ] [ strange... links ] [ awards ] [ email
Solandia ] [ award of the altar ] [ worthy ca...
- University of Washington
Geophysics Program Home Page Tue, 12 Jan 1999 15:53:41 GMT An interdisciplinary
program for the quantitative study of the Earth and its environment. QUICK
LINKS TO PUBLIC INTEREST AREAS Pacific Northwest Earthquake Info: Most Recent
Big Earthquake --> Cascade Volcano Earthquake Information Recent Earthquake
list ...
- GetSmart
Mortgage Finder Sweepstakes Rules Win a free month's mortgage or rent!
Your email address: Do you own or rent your home? Own Rent...
- The
Collected Works of Shakespeare =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search;
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document.write(' '); } else if (bV>=3) {document.write(' '); document.write('
');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet...
- Gallery Index Tue, 25 May 1999 04:06:31 GMT Gallery Index Wall 1
#8 [101K] #11 [112K] #X19 [114K] #134 [97K] #133 [89K] #X11 [120K] Wall 2
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- Liber Aeth Sun,
23 May 1999 23:36:37 GMT Liber ATh vel Via Vitae Sub Figura CCCCI The Rule
of the Abbey of Thelema -Ad Salutem Thelema- "Ye shall gather goods and store
of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations
of the earth in splendour & pride; but always ...
- Tribute to Allan
Bennett Sat, 08 May 1999 19:41:55 GMT A T RIBUTE TO A LLAN B ENNETT
Go to articles. A LLAN Bennett was an important figure in the early Buddhist
movement in England at the beginning of the present century. Bennett wrote
several books and many articles on Buddhism and related sub...
- Crowley on Politics
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 05:17:53 GMT Aleister Crowley on Politics Introduction
It is unfortunate that Aleister Crowley never wrote a single systematic treatise
on the theory of politics, for Crowley's visionary genius shone far beyond
the occult realms for which he is noted, into the heart o...
- Thelema Kaaba
Sun, 23 May 1999 15:24:26 GMT The Word of the Equinox is TRANSMUTE . Thelema
Kaaba Dedicated to the Regeneration of the Thelemic Order. Reading Room |
STELE (Book) | Constitution | Network | Course of Reading Sites | SHRI | Chat
| Stele of Ank...
- Thelema Kaaba Sun,
18 Apr 1999 16:40:04 GMT What Is the Thelema Kaaba? The Thelema Kaaba is
a new Thelemic Order based on the esoteric interpretation of the Law of Thelema,
freely constituted by and between its commonwealth of members for the purpose
of creating a suitable vehicle for...
- The Lyre Magazine On-Line
Sat, 20 Jul 1996 21:32:14 GMT The Lyre Magazine Creatively Exploring the
Greek Spiritual Traditions The Lyre is the most popular journal of Hellenic
spirituality in the English language. Founded in 1993 at the Nashville Panathenaia
festival, The Lyre exists as a forum for all individ...
- The Stalker's Home Page -- No More
Privacy! -- As Seen on the LEEZA Show A Stalking We Go! Stalking --
Privacy -- Spying -- Snooping! Stalker's Home Page Glen Roberts' Best Pages
Stalker's Home Page Get Your FBI File Full Disclosure Live (My daily Radio
Show) Public Sources of SSN's Net Caller-ID: isdn-135-8.dialup.winternet.c...
- At the Edge Home
Page Sun, 28 Feb 1999 09:16:20 GMT At the Edge has now merged with
3rd Stone magazine. This site contains an archive of articles on archaeology,
folklore and mythology that have been published in At the Edge and its predecessor,
Mercian Mysteries between 1989 and 1998. There is over 1...
- Ecclesia Gnostica
Monday, 03-May-99 00:58:16 GMT Directory : Meditations Introduction Catechism
Lectionary Calendar Parishes: Los Angeles Portland Salt Lake City Oslo, Norway
- Nag Hammadi
Library Alphabetical Index Thursday, 15-Apr-99 19:53:00 GMT Current
Lectures: Christ: The Misunderstood Redeemer The Sorrow of Sophia: Feminine
Divine Image of Suffering T HE G NOSTIC S OCIETY L IBRARY The Nag Hammadi
Library Alphabetical Index The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles Allogen...
- Dabbler's Dark Den Fri, 16
Apr 1999 02:18:22 GMT I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who
dwellest in Spirit: "Thou Spritual Sun! Satan, Thou Eye, thou Lust!" Sorry,
this site is gone. A new site is currently being designed at a new ISP location
(Speedchoice). Please forgive the current statu...
- Anno IVvii,
Sol 2° Gemini, Luna 29° Virgo 05/24/99 e.v....
- Welcome to Good Vibrations W
hen you visit our on-line store, you can shop for sex toys, erotica and adult
videos, tour our antique vibrator museum, and read the latest sex information
and news. At Good Vibrations, we believe that sexual pleasure is everyone's
birthright, and that ...
- Gothic Babe of the
Week Intro Summer's almost here! And you know what that means! Click
Here To See "Castrella" Gothbabe for the Week of 5/23/99 The formats and images
on this page are the exclusive property of Cossack. The photos on this page
and all archived pages are the exclusiv...
- bookmarks ala lesa
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 00:02:22 GMT
- lesa whyte Sat,
21 Nov 1998 00:03:17 GMT Mary Magdalene on the Web T here is a lot of information
to be found online these days, and Mary Magdalene is no exception. However,
along with the gems, there are junkers, and it is up to the reader to discern
which is which. I've included all of the g...
- Siprelle and Associates Server
One Welcome to Siprelle and Associates Server One. If you are getting
this page, it probably means you have a non-HTTP 1.1-compliant web browser.
To reach the sites hosted on this server, please click on one of the links
below. By the way, Netscape releases ...
- Green Dome Temple Fri,
07 May 1999 19:11:53 GMT You are the visitor since Jan 7, 1998 About Green
Dome Temple How to Contact Green Dome Temple Calendar of Events and Announcements
Our Newsletter: The Bower Member Web Pages and Links Green Dome Temple Local
Archives Pagan Resources on the Net (or No F...
- All the Best Adult Sites - Any Way You Like
It - Grlz.com - Categorized, Abstracted, and Verified. All the Best
Adult Sites on the Web, Updated Daily Categorized, Abstracted, and Verified
The Grlz.com web site contains links to all the best sites on the web that
contain adult-oriented and sexually explicit material. If you are offended
by such materia...
- The New Religious Movements
Collection Wed, 31 Mar 1999 22:10:14 GMT The New Religious Movements
Collection Contents: What the collectionis How groups are added Donations
Materials in the Collection Links to Web pages What the collection is : The
Graduate Theological Union Library New Religious Movements (NRM) Collection
- Six Feet Under
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 01:21:53 GMT elcome to Six Feet Under! Ever wish you could
make your own clothes but didn't think you had the time or skill? I have put
together instructions for making easy garments geared for beginning sewers
that can generally be completed in one day. Never ag...
- Retail Slut Online Catalog
Rude and Nasty Clothes Established 1983 Retail Slut Online Catalog Orders
can be placed by any of the following methods: ONLINE - Orders can be placed
using this online catalog. We use Netscape to provide secure online credit
card transactions. EMAIL - O...
- Hamline University Lupus Home Page
You are using a non-frames capable browser, Click here to for clinical
- Van
Morrison Glossary entry for "Golden Dawn" Monday, 28-Oct-96 18:01:13 GMT
Glossary entry for Golden Dawn The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an
occult society founded in London in 1888 by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Dr. William
Wynn Westcott and Dr W. R. Woodman. These men drew upon their backgrounds
in Rosicrucian and Fre...
- Glossary
of Van Morrison References: People, Places and Things Monday, 17-May-99
18:43:25 GMT Glossary of Van Morrison References: People, Places and Things
F or Van, "place" seems to be a particularly powerful source of creative inspiration;
many of his most deeply felt songs include references to specific places from
his past - the song "On Hynd...
- Van
Morrison Glossary entry for "Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom" Monday, 28-Oct-96
18:00:30 GMT Glossary entry for Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom Sophia is the
Goddess of Wisdom. In the Mediterranean world in the first century, Sophia
was a beacon to Christians, Jews, Gnostics and Pagans alike. "The Book of
Wisdom" says: "Wisdom I loved; I sought her ou...
- Van
Morrison Glossary entry for "Yeats, William Butler" Thursday, 22-Oct-98
22:20:15 GMT Glossary entry for Yeats, William Butler William Butler Yeats
(June 13, 1865 - January 28, 1939) celebrated Irish poet and nationalist,
was born in Dublin, and educated in London and Dublin. While studying at the
School of Art in Dublin he developed an i...
- Welcome to HARMOLODIC Mon, 08 Mar
1999 23:56:44 GMT Come Celebrate Ornette's Birthday Come celebrate with
us and find out how you can participate in this festive occasion. All are
welcome and bring a friend along. The Really Big Contest We would like to
show our appreciation to all our loya...
- Heartless Bitches International
- "Deal with it!" Tue, 25 May 1999 00:38:05 GMT (Updated May 24th,
1999) This site was designed for optimal navigation by making JUDICIOUS use
of frames. At the request of those with accessiblity issues, we have split
the entry to two options. Please be aware that not all "back" links on older
- Gates of Heck: Annie Sprinkle Wed,
28 Apr 1999 16:06:58 GMT ANNIE SPRINKLE NEEDS YOUR HELP! Welcome to the
offical homepage of our favorite Prostitute / Porn Star turned Sex Guru /
Performance artist ANNIE SPRINKLE. This site offers background ABOUT Annie,
her lates...
- Rhino Rampage Tue, 28 Apr
1998 15:20:32 GMT Rhinoceros "It was once remarked that a person who destroys
the works of man is condemned as a vandal, but a man who destroys the works
of God is praised as a sportsman. How anyone can turn a creature of movement,
light and beauty into a blood-bedraggled ...
- State Archives of
Assyria Cuneiform Texts Wed, 16 Sep 1998 12:42:01 GMT State Archives
of Assyria Cuneiform Texts Description Procedure Published Volumes Scheduled
Volumes Ordering Instructions State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts (SAACT)
contains facsimile cuneiform texts based on texts from Assurbanipals
- Sigil Temple Gate Sat,
04 Oct 1997 23:50:43 GMT
- The Hermetic Library Mon, 24 May
1999 21:41:34 GMT Web Hosting for the Spiritual Arts The Libri of Aleister
Crowley The Sacred Texts Received Wisdom Corpus Stavish The Enochian World
of Benjamin Rowe The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius The Magick and Mysticism
of Bill Heidrick Hakim Bey and Ontological Ana...
- The Enochian World of
Benjamin Rowe Thu, 01 Oct 1998 19:17:28 GMT Image courtesy of Michael
Arndt Ben Rowe is a Hermetic magician well known in certain circles. For the
last decade or so, he has been doing extensive work with the Enochian system
of Hermetic magic. Much of his work is quite interesting and inspiring to
- The Invisible Basilica
of Sabazius Tue, 04 Aug 1998 06:36:05 GMT
- The Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn ® Mon, 15 Feb 1999 17:22:13 GMT Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn,
Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden Dawn, Golden D...
- The Hermetic Order
of the Golden Dawn ® / Fama Fraternitatis Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:39:31
GMT If you're trapped in someone's frame - click Here to break out! Fama
Fraternitatis or a Discovery of the Fraternity of the Most Laudable Order
of the Rosy Cross [NOTE: This page was designed by Soror S. J. of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn...
- 302 Found
Found The document has moved here ....
- Gerald and April's Small Format
Movie Page Wed, 19 May 1999 21:41:26 GMT Welcome to our page. Photography
has always been one of my favorite hobbies, and I played around some in my
teens with Super 8 mm... and recently, movie making obsessed me like never
before. One of the most difficult, frustrating things we had to do...
- Four Quarters Farm The Church
of Four Quarters and Four Quarters Farm An Interfaith Church of Wicca and
Earth Religion Whatever you can do, or dream of doing... Begin it. Action
has beauty power, and magic in it... Begin it now. The Church of Four Quarters
Four Quarters Far...
- 302 Found Found The
document has moved here ....
- Planet Sun Ra Mon, 22
Jun 1998 00:35:00 GMT w e l c o m e t o p l a n e t s u n r a THIS is the
s p a c e a g e the age b e y o n d the Earth Age a different direction b
- Hollyfeld Esoteric ArchiVE
Network Welcome to Heaven The Hollyfeld Esoteric ArchiVE Network |
Links | Archives | E-Lists | Pages |...
- Hollyfeld Esoteric ArchiVE Network
Welcome to Heaven The Hollyfeld Esoteric ArchiVE Network | Links | Archives
| E-Lists | Pages |...
- Thelema93-L
Thelema93-L Home ELists Archives Links Pages Do what thou wilt shall be
the whole of the Law. 93 Email filled with Thelemites! Do we need an exterminator??
Thelema93-l is a forum dedicated to the discussion of "Thelema" by any understanding,
inclusive of...
- SSS/WWW {Servants of the Star &
Snake} Sun, 01 Feb 1998 07:31:01 GMT Links...
- Vamamarg Publications Tue,
23 Jun 1998 06:37:22 GMT this list contains a reverse-chronological history
of Vamamarg publications written and edited by tyagi nagasiva (tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com).
enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9806 " On Satanism " (essay...
- fomerly 'OCCULT'
section of the MaGI Tue, 16 Dec 1997 04:57:41 GMT the occult section
has become the entirety of the MagI! you'll have to head on over to the MaGI
proper if you really want to get the goods! or you can dare the GOO! MaGI
- nagasiva vamamarg
Mon, 25 May 1998 17:59:49 GMT . . . @ . . . . ...
- Hotel Boheme: Beat Poetry
Thu, 30 May 1996 20:21:12 GMT
- Hot Topic Online Mon, 17 May 1999
16:00:33 GMT Copyright (c) 1999 Hot Topic...
- Novare Technology Solutions Wed,
21 Apr 1999 23:55:52 GMT
- Time to Upgrade your web browser
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 06:14:27 GMT You're browser is too old to access the virtual
web site hosted on this site. Please upgrade your browser....
- Ecstasy, Equipoise and
Eternity Thu, 10 Oct 1996 14:10:38 GMT Ecstasy, Equipoise and Eternity
A Vade Mecum and Guide to Shri Mahendranath's Fantastic Kosmic Kingdom of
the Alakshya Nathas of Shambhala International A Dreamtime Dossier for those
who want to do their own thing but do it themselves The Palace of both ...
- Tantrik Home Page
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:23:08 GMT Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does
he have the power to create. - Saundaryalahari Second-hand knowledge of the
self gathered from books or gurus can never emancipate a man until its truth
is rightly investigated and applied; only direct realisatio...
- Pagan Webweaving Page - Pagan Networking
a la WWW Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:37:07 GMT Welcome! Looking for other Wiccans/Pagans
in your area, or just want someone to correspond with? Here is a place where
you can network with others without having to fill up the newsgroups with
"Is anyone out there?!" messages. With the diversity in p...
- Hyperreal Thu, 01 Apr 1999 08:15:49
GMT Hyperreal Web Sites Hi. You've reached this page because your browser
does not support the HTTP/1.1 "Host:" header. You may have meant to get to
one of our member sites, but without that header it's impossible for us to
tell. You can try to follow a link ...
- PiHKAL: The Chemical Story
Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved Part 2: The Chemical Story By Alexander
Shulgin and Ann Shulgin NOTICE : The trust fund for Alexander Shulgin has
achieved it's goals. Index to the Indicies Quick Index : 17 of the more important
chemicals. Index to...
- The William S. Burroughs Files
William Seward Burroughs, born February 5, 1914, died August 2, 1997, at
age 83. He suffered a heart attack and died about 24 hours later, in his hometown
of Lawrence, Kansas. We're offering a Web Memorial . The William S. Burroughs
Files Inter Web Zone...
- Ariel Thu, 09 Oct
1997 04:04:04 GMT Art Works by Ariel Sun & Moon #1 Curandera Sun & Moon
#2 Olmec Ritual Communication Copal Constellations I mages are in gif format,
roughly 430 x 600 in size, and average 250K. A riel can be reached at her
mailing address which is: P.O. Box 974 Mt. Shast...
- Accelerated Change Technologies Fri,
- Bate Cabal/Black Moon Web Tue,
27 Jan 1998 20:29:53 GMT Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will. You are visitor number: since Jan. 8, 1997.
On July 4th 1976, Bate Cabal Published its first paper document: The Cincinnati
Journal of Ceremonial Magick . On July 4th 19...
- Bate Cabal/Black Moon Web
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:29:53 GMT Do what thou wilt shall be the whole
of the law. Love is the law, love under will. You are visitor number: since
Jan. 8, 1997. On July 4th 1976, Bate Cabal Published its first paper document:
The Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick . On July 4th 19...
- New Orleans Voodoo
Spiritual Temple Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:43:43 GMT New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual
Temple The Temple Homepage! Voodoo FAQ Introduction A Record of the Voodoo
Spiritual Temple Death of a Houngan Mardi Grais at The Voodoo Spiritual Temple
Images of Haiti, Home of Voodoo Bon Mat Voodoo Discussion Page Congo Squ...
- International Book Import Service
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 23:24:45 GMT Welcome to International Book Import Service,
also known as IBIS. We provide bookstores, libraries, schools, and individuals
in the Americas (and other parts of the world, too) with the best service
in German books. We can provide any title published in G...
- The Owl Springs Partnership: Text-only
Index Page Wed, 20 May 1998 10:43:41 GMT Owl Springs Home Pages: E
D I B I L I A | B A L T I - P A G E | H I B E R N A L I A | M I S C E L L
A N E A | " H O M E W A R D " | T H E - B O O K M A N The Owl Springs Partnership
TO - G R A P H I C S - R I C H - I N D E X - P A G E Welcome to o...
The Scotlander * A Scottish Martinist * Some Martinist Texts Scotlander's
Hotlist Some Links Worth a Browse Order of the Grail AMORC Rosicrucian Order
Freemasonry Home Page The Theosophical Society Wizards Realm The Sorce...
- Changes: Celebrating Our Growing
Consciousness http://www.changes.org...
- Modern Egyptian Ritual
Magick Wed, 20 May 1998 05:05:34 GMT Contents Introduction The Gods
of the Two Lands Maat and Metaphysics Notes and Essays Critical Texts and
Translations Basic and Advanced Rites Contact Information Index Introduction
Few can admit to less than a fascination with the enigma of ancient Egypt...
- Methods
of Defense [ The Kitchen ] [ The Bookshelf ] [ The Mailbox ] Jun 16,
1993 0:25 from John Stitely The following advice is edited from Dion Fortune's
Psychic Self Defense. Methods of Defense Dion Fortune "There are two types
of practical psychic work which may be us...
- Inanna's Fantasies - Magickal,
Occult, and New Age Supplies Tuesday, 25-May-99 03:39:08 GMT I nanna's
Fantasies decorates, makes, or paints affordable craft items. Nothing costs
less than $5.00, nothing costs more than $50.00. Our items are light and bright
and fanciful. These items are inspired by history, imagination, legend, literature,
- ASTRALITE, Ariel's Home Page
Fri, 06 Nov 1998 13:25:36 GMT Welcome to the ASTRALITE, where magick and
nature come together in harmony! Greetings.. I'm Greg Edwards, and ARIEL to
just about everyone who knows me. This web site is an extension of my previous
works of early 80's project, "The Astralite BBS&q...
- Markjr's Unofficial Homepage
markjr's Unofficial Homepage Late Announcement I haven't worked for IRamp/iSTAR
since May 10th (96). Consequently, most, if not all the information below
is obsoleted by the iSTAR Superhelp pages. My official home page is over here
This page is very much...
- Intellicast Weather Home Page
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 14:12:24 GMT
- Sophia:
The Wisdom of God Sophia: The Wisdom of God There is great hunger to
recover the feminine aspect of Divinity. But much searching has left Christians
disappointed and seeking for the "Goddess" elsewhere. In this work, Bukgakov
shows how the Divine So...
- Signs
of the Zodiac Signs of the Zodiac Astrology divides the heavens into
twelve symbols called zodiac signs. Click any one in the list below for a
description. Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius
Scorpio Taurus Virgo Bac...
- www.interfaith.org Tue,
11 May 1999 20:31:49 GMT function isMsie4orGreater() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
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- IntrepidTrips.com Mon, 21 Sep
1998 02:16:49 GMT
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09 May 1998 20:00:32 GMT IF YOU HAVE REACHED THIS PAGE... Then it is likely
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- Georgia O'Keeffe -
biography, images ");}//--> NOTE TO AOL USERS O'Keeffe site recognition...
- IPL Online Texts Collection
the Internet Public Library Online Texts Collection The IPL Online Texts
Collection contains over 7700 titles that can be browsed by author, by title,
or by Dewey Subject Classification. They can also be searched using the form
below. For questions about ...
- Island Web: Psychedelic Community and Culture
Based on Aldous Huxley's Novel Island Tue, 06 Oct 1998 19:54:26 GMT
You are visitor Counter by Escati Copyright ©1998 Island Web. All rights reserved.
The Island Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation with headquarters
in Santa Cruz, California composed of individuals dedicated to the creati...
- O.T.O. around the Net
Sun, 07 Feb 1999 15:17:18 GMT O.T.O. around the Net Index Australia Brazil
Canada Croatia Denmark England Finland France Germany Iceland Italy Japan
Netherlands New Zealand Norway Slovenia Sweden USA Index Index Index Index
Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index I...
- Mimers Brunn
- Artist and Familiars by Joseph Nechvatal Sun, 08 Jun 1997 22:57:04 GMT
Artist and Familiars by Joseph Nechvatal "The predominant element in the pleasure
to be obtained from overthrowing Power, from becoming a master without slaves,
and from rectifying the past, is the subjectivity of each individual. The
cause of free ...
- DoingBiz Net Sat, 01 May 1999 17:19:43
GMT News Roswell Web Services DoingBiz Net DoingBiz Net proudly hosts these
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hosting on our high speed commercial server AHessco.com - Coming soon - Hessco
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- lemegeton Available
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illustrations have been completely redrawn for this edition. Includes Goetia,
Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulinia and Almadel Fully Illustrated Trade softcover.
$19.95 from Meta...
- JBL Catalog Main Page Mon, 22 Mar
1999 00:40:00 GMT JBL Statues Carries Over 350 Images Of Deities And Archetypes
From Cultures Ancient And Contemporary Around The World. Alphabetical Index
of Statues Browse Catalog How to Order Amazing! Gundestrup Cauldron Pewter
Jewelry T-shirts are Here! Links to...
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 03:20:33 GMT Discovering the past - Securing the future.
In kindreds throughout North America , small groups unite periodically to
practice a rapidly growing religion that was practiced on a large scale in
Europe before the coming of Christianity. ...
- Journal of Scientific Exploration
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 05:15:38 GMT Go to the Journal of Scientific Exploration
Go to the Society for Scientific Exploration...
- Rabin Mishnah Study Group
Rabin Mishnah Study Group RMSG@JTSA.EDU The list is dedicated to the daily
study of Mishnah by lay people (in memory of Yitzchak Rabin z"l) in the spiritual
climate of Conservative Judaism. The selected tractate is studied in a consecutive
manner: a ...
- The Internet Dictionary Project
Have a little time to spare? Please take a look at the new Spiers English-French
Dictionary project . The downloadable dictionary files have been updated on
the Files page , including an update for the IDPC. Download the 4th Edition
of the IDP Companio...
- The House of Netjer at Kemet.org Mon,
03 May 1999 14:33:00 GMT Stuck in someone's frames? Click here! Official
Homesite of the House of Netjer The House of Netjer (known before 1993 as
the House of Bast), a Kemetic Orthodox temple, was founded in the late 1980s
in Chicago, Illinois. We are dedicated to the res...
- Blue Letter Bible Mon, 01
Mar 1999 07:05:04 GMT Welcome to the Project Website! "I will worship toward
thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth:
for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." Psalm 138:2 Book Genesis
Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deute...
- http://www.knsdtv.com:80/
- Magick, Paganism and such
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 20:51:56 GMT Magick, Paganism and such Note: Wicca resources
have moved to Goddess Knotwork . Note: Asatru resources have become Asatru
Knotwork . Articles and Essays Asatru Knotwork Cult Danger Evaluation Divination
Discordia FTP sites Gatherings Goddess Knotwork Ins...
- KOMO ABC 4 SEATTLE Thu, 24 Dec 1998
04:00:18 GMT Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying
26 Apr 1999 18:02:48 GMT Bitte folgen Sie diesem Link....
- alt.dreams.lucid
Newsgroup FAQs Sun, 23 May 1999 11:28:20 GMT alt.dreams.lucid Newsgroup
FAQs [ By Archive-name | By Author | By Category | By Newsgroup ] [ Home |
Latest Updates | Archive Stats | Search | Help ] dreams-faq/part1: Multipart
- Single Part Subject: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream...
- Astral Projection Home
Page Fri, 09 Oct 1998 08:54:34 GMT The Astral Projection Home Page
(and all of its features) have projected to a new location: www.tanega.com/astral/astral.html
. Please update your bookmark. You will be taken there shortly (or click the
link above). Copyright © Charles C. Goodin. Al...
- Classics
of Out(land)ish Anthropology (Lawrence University, WI) Wed, 16 Apr 1997
17:38:29 GMT Classics of Out(land)ish Anthropology Secrets of Bigfoot,
UFOs, Creationism and Other Coverups T he web is an amazing place. The amount
of information literally at one's fingertips is staggering -- almost overwhelming.
This rich intellectual and sensual u...
- Leaping Laughter Camp O.T.O.
Mon, 24 May 1999 01:59:12 GMT O.T.O. O.T.O. Leaping Laughter Camp Ordo
Templi Orientis Serving the Minneapolis - St. Paul area and surrounding communities
in Minnesota and Wisconsin We are proud to host: The Equinox Volume I A special
edition of The Book of the ...
- The Equinox Sun, 18
Apr 1999 03:08:23 GMT The Equinox [ home ] [ up ] [ The Equinox Volume
I ] Go to Volume I Copyright (c) O.T.O. O.T.O. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
P.O.Box 684098 Austin, TX 78768 USA *************************************...
- Timothy Leary - introduction Fri, 04
Dec 1998 21:41:29 GMT
- Night of Pan Books Sat,
20 Feb 1999 17:39:07 GMT Night of Pan Books Select new used and rare occult
and metaphysical books. 179C Norwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222 Phone: (716) 886-2271
Catalog Updated 2/20/99 All books listed are cloth unless otherwise noted.
It is best to callin advance to reserve your se...
- Whispering Trees Fri, 23 Oct
1998 01:55:13 GMT Whispering Trees A Pagan/Alternative beliefs club at
Lehigh University Welcome to our new official site, open 24 hrs! The new version
of the web page is being worked on and will be appearing here soon.... stay
tuned. Last update on 14th Nov., 1997. Medit...
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
About the Bryn Mawr Classical Review About the Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Archives 1996 February January 1995 December November October August July
June May April March February January 1994 December November October September
August July June May April M...
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FAQs: alt.dreams Related FAQs: alt.dreams Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General
Information, dream interpretation Dreams FAQ Pt.2/4: Nightmares, OOBEs, paranormal
issues Dreams FAQ Pt.3/4: About Lucid Dreaming Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research,
Help, reading recommendations [ LAS Home Pa...
- Welcome to the Harry
Ransom Humanities Research Center Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:40:00 GMT A welcome
to our site from Ransom Center Director, Dr. Thomas F. Staley, as well as
information regarding the Center's Capital Campaign . General information,
location maps, FAQ, and more Visit our newly designed web pages An on-line
exhibition from th...
- Please change your bookmarks to www.lightliving.com
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 14:32:29 GMT Lightcooking.com has changed to LightLiving.com
Visit us at: www.LightLiving.com Please change your bookmark to the new site
address, since Lightcooking.com will be going away. * A special note to our
Pointcast (and IE Channels) readers: Please delete ...
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and Critical View of Astrology Mon, 13 Jul 1998 15:19:02 GMT An Astrophysicist's
Sympathetic and Critical View of Astrology A plenary talk presented at the
Cycles and Symbols Conference San Francisco, February 14-16, 1997 Victor Mansfield
Physics and Astronomy Department Colgate University Hamilton, NY 13346 vmans...
- Lightworks - Introduction Tue,
15 Sep 1998 02:45:11 GMT Dedicated to awakening consciousness. In this
time of transition into the Aquarian age, we have a unique opportunity to
provide information drawn from all of the world's philosophies, metaphysical
paths, religions and other growth-oriented systems. Light...
- Lightworks Audio & Video- Your Metaphysical
And Holistic Marketplace Sun, 30 Aug 1998 23:10:00 GMT
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Whitman Keyword Search: About Walt Whitman Directions to Walt Whitman's
Birthplace A Tour of Whitmanland A Bibliography Walt Whitman Forum Purchase
books about Walt Whitman Links to more Poetry Leaves of Grass Take a look
at this from The Bartleby Project of Colu...
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Thu, 20 Aug 1998 21:11:18 GMT This web site is no longer available. The
web site formerly available at this location has been terminated at the request
of the site maintainer. If you have any questions, please contact Saud_Kuwait@hotmail.com
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- Julia Simon's links:
Mythologies, religions, belief systems Tue, 17 Mar 1998 07:31:20 GMT
Source last edited on Sep 10, 1997 Mythologies, religions, and belief systems:
Note: These three concepts cannot be clearly separated; some people call what
they believe in a "religion" and everything else "mythology". You decide for
yourself which one is...
- Semantic Rhyming
Dictionary Sun, 23 May 1999 14:51:00 GMT T HE S EMANTIC R HYMING D
ICTIONARY Help , Advanced interface , Thesaurus , Reference tools , Feedback
Word: Find perfect rhymes Match last sound only Match consonants Find homophones
Find semantic siblings Find synonyms Search for definition List rel...
- germany.net Mon, 26 Jan 1998 10:00:20
GMT Liebe germany.net-User. Unser Online-Dienst ist wegen einer Serverwartung
und Hardwareaufrüstung derzeit nicht erreichbar. Sie können jedoch weiterhin
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- Projects [LivingWeb
Virtual Library] Mon, 08 Jun 1998 13:46:35 GMT Easton's 1897 Bible
Dictionary M.G. Easton Sponsored By Click on banner for info The source for
this project is a 1.23mg zipped file containing ascii files of the work formatted
for software programming, housed on the Bible Foundation server, and tran...
- Llewellyn Worldwide Fri, 21 May
1999 20:48:03 GMT function reDo(){ window.location.reload() } window.onresize
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- TDNehrer's The Essence of Reality
Tue, 25 May 1999 04:25:43 GMT EoR Sections: First Angle: How Life Works
Second Angle: Your Path Third Angle: Other Teachings Your Questions Our Relationship
Links of Value If you are new to EoR, please read through this page before
- Today's VIDEO feed
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- Lightning On Demand Homepage Sun, 31 May
1998 04:56:51 GMT Lightning on Demand Specialists in large-scale Tesla
Coils, Lorentz Guns and other interesting high pulsed-power devices Statement
Of Intent The Electrum Project Tesla Coil Work to Date Other Lightning and
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- Art In The City
- Sight Seeing/Surrealism Wed, 11 Jun 1997 02:13:56 GMT =3) capable="yes";
else capable="no" // from everyone --> Surreal: having the qualities of surrealism;
strange, bizarre. (Oxford English Dictionary) Surrealism developed as a movement
under the direction of the French writer Andre Breton. Including such...
- Loving More - Introduction to Polyamory:
Title Page Sun, 16 May 1999 05:26:19 GMT NEWS: April Divilbiss Case.
Tennessee Judge ignores advice of court appointed therapists (who reported
that "this child should never have been removed from her home"), orders poly
family to breakup or lose their 3 year old child. De...
- LUCID DREAMING Search | Training
| Mailing List | Lucid Dreaming FAQ | Info | Catalog | NightLight | Forum
| New ABOUT LUCID DREAMING Lucid Dreaming means dreaming while knowing that
you are dreaming. This consciousness allows you to guide your dreams. I...
- ISHK Book Service ISHK BOOK
SERVICE [ Search Site ] [ About ISHK ] [ Idries Shah ] [ ISHK Book Service
] [ Shah Books on Sale at Amazon.com ] From The Subtleties of the Inimitable
Mulla Nasrudin WHERE THERE'S A WILL . . . 'Mulla, Mulla, my son has written
from the Abo...
- Web Page Moved Tue,
02 Mar 1999 16:07:18 GMT " Web Page Moved! This web page has moved. Please
update your links to the new location. All the locations are now lower case
names. Thanks. The New URL is at: comasonry.html ....
- Sacred Sex Thu, 01
Apr 1999 22:48:49 GMT SACRED SEX Karezza, Tantra, and Sex Magic Welcome
to the Sacred Sex web site, a place where you can read about tantra yoga,
karezza, and other forms of sex worship . This is a personal, non commercial
project, developed to honour the spiritual sexuality ...
- Gnosis Magazine Sat, 08 May 1999 19:23:49
GMT Starting Point Ouroboros The Gnostic Ring Prev. | Next | Skip Prev.
Skip | List | Home ")} //-->...
THEATRE Tue, 09 Mar 1999 23:39:35 GMT -- -- Our intention is to seduce
you into a state of relaxed meditative pleasure. -----------------------------------------
Once upon a time in the Magic City (Miami), a new and marvelous creation was
visited upon the earth named Lumonics . It is the so...
- Luxor Press, Inc. Home Books
Ordering Search News Links email Search: Request a Catalog! Enter your email
address: Browse Our Titles Place an Order Browse Subjects: :: Subjects ::
Conspiracies Crowley Folk Magick The Golden Dawn Masonry New Aeon Magick Rosicrucian
Strange ...
- Fraternity of the Hidden Light Home Page
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 17:49:24 GMT Don't Worry... Your browser seems to not
like frames! Fortunately, these pages have also been formatted for non-frames
browsers, and even some non-tables browsers! All you have to do is click on
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- The Occult Archive
Wed, 24 Jan 1996 17:25:33 GMT This page under construction! The Occult
Archive The Occult Archive at the Lysator site is mainly concerned with Thelema,
Tantra, Chaos Magick and general Ceremonial Magick. Various "denominations"
Psychology Orgone Committee Reichian magick :) Ancient de...
- The Religious Archive
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:17:50 GMT The Religious Archive The Religious Archive
is one of the largest and most accessed parts of the Lysator site. Please
note that some files may be compressed using gunzip. Unfortunately not all
browsers can uncompress those files. However, you can still r...
- Ceci Huster's Home Page Sat,
06 Feb 1999 21:02:55 GMT Ceci Huster Welcome to the home page of Ceci Huster.
Technical Writer I'm looking for a job as a technical writer in Cambridge
or the greater London area. My most recent job was for PeopleSoft in California,
producing performance reports and administrati...
- The Egyptian Book of the
Dead Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:13:31 GMT The Egyptian Book of the Dead The
Papyrus of Ani Translated by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge "I'm yesterday, I know
To-day" Table of contents The index of the document, enjoy. Links to other
Egyptology resources on the Web A very small collection of links to othe...
- Lytha Studios - Celtic and Spiritual
Jewelry, Clothing, and Accessories Mon, 17 May 1999 14:56:39 GMT (888)
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1, 1999) Updates/...
- Welcome to Merriam-Webster Mon,
24 May 1999 19:22:56 GMT CONTACT US FOR ADVERTISING INFO Cool Stuff Word
of the Day Word Game Word for the Wise Products Licensing/ Network Options
Words from the Lighter Side Language Info Zone Inkwell to Internet Customer
Service Site Map Welcome to Merriam-Webster OnLi...
- MAFREEWAY Thu, 26 Nov 1998 15:01:31
- Welcome to the Artist Visual
Network's Angel Site Fri, 25 Sep 1998 03:26:49 GMT The purpose and
reason for this web site is to enlighten and inspire. To feel the beauty and
warmth that vibrates from these beings of light. Several books have been used
to gather the information contained within. To see a list of these books p...
- Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn® Tue, 11 May 1999 18:46:47 GMT Viewing this page requires
a browser capable of displaying frames....
- Henge of Keltria Welcome
to the Henge of Keltria Web Site What is the Henge of Keltria? Resources to
learn more Frequently Asked Questions about the Henge and Druidism Bylaws
of the Henge of Keltria [ Text version (for those with older browsers) ] Order
- Scarletfire.com Home of: AWAKEN.org
NINEUP.com POTF.com SAMADHI.org ULTRABLUE.com UNAIDS Mirror Site Scarletfire.com
is maintained by Jim Petersen . Bandwidth provided by...
- Welcome: Villa of the Mysteries Fri,
01 May 1998 19:51:15 GMT
- About Dzyan: Villa of
the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:53:30 GMT
- About Tim Maroney:
Villa of the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:53:25 GMT
- Book Links: Villa of the
Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:53:12 GMT
- Welcome: Intro
to Crowley Studies Fri, 01 May 1998 19:52:40 GMT Introduction to Crowley
Studies by Tim Maroney "Do What Thou Wilt" The Book of the Law The Tree of
Life Spiritual Practice Truth and Falsehood Sex and Gender Christianity His
Personality His Writing Crowley Links Villa of the Mysteries Search Various
- Esoteric Links
Page Fri, 01 May 1998 19:52:29 GMT
- Gothic Links: Villa of
the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:51:42 GMT
- Heaven's Gate: Villa
of the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:51:25 GMT
- Welcome: Villa of the Mysteries
Fri, 01 May 1998 19:51:15 GMT
- Mad Scientist Test:
Villa of the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:51:08 GMT
- Various Essays:
Villa of the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:49:52 GMT
- Why Crowley
Doesn't Suck: Villa of the Mysteries Fri, 01 May 1998 19:49:47 GMT
- The Poetry of Yeats
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 15:38:24 GMT The Poetry of Yeats The poetry of Yeats re-entered
copyright in Europe recently, and will remain in copyright until 2010. However
the material has fallen out of copyright in America. There are several sites
there on which it is available ....
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- Abaxion Home Page Fri, 02
Apr 1999 16:23:53 GMT M erry Meet and Welcome to Abaxion, your source for
new age, occult and metaphysical books, ritual items, supplies, and so much
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- Koh-Varilla Guild -- Limited
Edition Sculpture Fri, 07 Jul 1995 19:02:38 GMT Limited Editions Dance
of Life (33K JPEG) Homage to Camille Claudel (22K JPEG) Leda and the Swan
(28K JPEG) Mary Magdalene I (33K JPEG) Mary Magdalene II (33K JPEG) Portrait
of a Young Man (28K JPEG) Koh-Varilla Guild, 1801 West Byron, Chicago, IL
- Mary Magdalene II Sat,
08 Jul 1995 12:15:35 GMT Mary Magdalen II © 1991, Annah Koh Varilla
Koh-Varilla Guild, 1801 West Byron, Chicago, IL 60613, Phone/Fax: (312) 327-8201,
kvg@mcs.com ...
- The Philosophers of Nature - the
leading educational Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:13:04 GMT resource for Alchemy
and Hermeticism The Philosophers of Nature is the leading school for studies
in the practical and philosophical aspects of Alchemy. We offer courses in
Qabala and related esoteric disciplines which are of interest to the new student,...
- Heaven's Gate - How and
Why It May Be Avoided Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:00:56 GMT WELL, WE'VE HAD
TOGETHER The entire Heaven's Gate matter greatly affected all of us in the
first part of 1997. But then, as invariably happens, another day's news cycle
brings s...
- The Institute of Egyptian
Art and Archaeology Thursday, 22-Feb-96 23:29:38 GMT Welcome to The
University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology home page.
Please select an option from the ones listed below: About the Institute Learn
about the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology. Exhibit of Artifacts
- M-Comp, Home Page, I Ching, Alchemy, Astrology,
and Kabbalah. Fri, 30 Apr 1999 23:04:43 GMT Introduction Mathematics
of the I Ching's Lineal Figures The Oppositional Binary Charlie Higgins Complementary
Oppositions Charlie Higgins The Bigrams Charlie Higgins The Trigrams Charlie
Higgins Mensionization Charlie Higgins The Hexagrams Charlie Higgin...
- Internet Direct Wed, 05 May 1999
20:44:02 GMT document.write(" " + day + month); document.write(myweekday
+ ", 19" + year + " "); //--> New to the Net? Click here Touted as the fastest
Internet access available, Internet Direct has now launched its ADSL (Asymmetric
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- Welcome to the Meru Foundation Mon, 26
Apr 1999 21:01:43 GMT Welcome to the Meru Foundation Last Modified: 27
April 1999 The Meru Project is based on 25 years of research by Stan Tenen
into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure
underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew ...
- History of Ancient Egyptian Medicine
search / help / staff History of Ancient Egyptian Medicine Egypt from Space
[photos & text; MT Rigby ] - (AU) History of Egypt - Ministry of Tourism,
Egypt Chronology of Egyptian Civilization - NorthWestern Univ. (US) The Ancient
Egypt Site [ J Kinnaer...
- Rabelais Sun,
23 May 1999 13:08:17 GMT RABELAIS "Cette année, les aveugles ne
verront que bien peu, les sourds ouïront assez mal; les muets ne parleront
guère; les riches se porteront un peu mieux que les pauvres, et les
sains mieux que les malades. Vieillesse sera inc...
- Grands esprits: Renaissance
Sun, 23 May 1999 01:37:26 GMT LES GRANDS ESPRITS Du moins quelques uns
... RENAISSANCE (XVe-XVIe siècles) _____________________.___________
Léonard de Vinci . Machiavel . Martin Luther . François Rabelais
. Bernard ...
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" Ethnic musical instruments from around the world " The Ethnic Musical
Instruments Co. Offering Celtic harps, bodhrans, & bagpipes, Irish Uilleann
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- Milieux: The Costume
Site Thu, 11 Feb 1999 18:27:22 GMT Your browser is unable to display
frames. Please go to the non frames version at: http://www.milieux.com/costume/websource1.html...
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- The Mind Media Life Enhancement Network:
Self-Improvement On the Web Wed, 19 May 1999 21:39:41 GMT Welcome to
the center on the Web for interactive personal exploration and self-improvement!
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Almar Ave....
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Port 80...
- Heaven & Hell Tue,
18 May 1999 01:45:04 GMT Oasis News About Blake Oasis About the OTO Oasis
Schedule Newsletter Links T he N ewsletter of the W illiam B lake O asis O
rdo T empli O rientis P.O. B ox 404 A shburn VA 20146-0404 E-Mail: wm_blake_oto@aeon.nu
T he terror answer'd: " I am O rc,...
- About William Blake
Oasis, O.T.O. Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:01:28 GMT Oasis News About Blake
Oasis About the OTO Oasis Schedule Newsletter Links WILLIAM BLAKE OASIS ORDO
TEMPLI ORIENTIS P.O. BOX 404 ASHBURN VA 20146-0404 E-mail: wm_blake_oto@aeon.nu
What's New! W illiam B lake O asis is an official body of the Ordo Templi...
JUDAISM, AND CHRISTIANITY Hannah M. G. Shapero Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and
Christianity share so many features that it seems that there must be a connection
between them. Does this connection really exist? If so, how did it happen?...
- Dcorrell Home Page Sat,
19 Dec 1998 19:29:45 GMT ...
- Mercurial Madness
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 14:51:07 GMT Mercurial Madness has moved to www.pendulum.org/madness/
If your browser has not taken you there, click here ....
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 05:24:53 GMT Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the
Law. I f you are interested in Occultism, Gnosticism, UFOlogy, High Weirdness
and the like, you may be in the right place. If you are expecting the "politically
correct" answers in these areas, you def...
- New Age Products and Occult
Supplies Thu, 21 May 1998 12:55:10 GMT & >>&, 100+ unique pages featuring
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- Church of the Hermetic Sciences
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 03:51:51 GMT Anthropologist and Ceremonial Magician, Poke
Runyon explains and demonstrates the authentic techniques of ancient Ritual
Magick - Learn how to invoke Angels and evoke spirits to visible appearance.
. . Stand in the Magick Circle with Masters of the Art as...
- Welcome to Mirisis Fri, 14 May 1999
18:47:57 GMT = 1.1) { blue = new Image(); blue.src = "blue.gif"; black
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- 302 Found
Found The document has moved here . Apache/1.3.4 Server at www.missouri.edu
Port 80...
- Christopher's
Haiku Page Sat, 28 Mar 1998 19:37:57 GMT
- See
Other Site Thu, 13 Nov 1997 00:43:11 GMT ``It is difficult to imagine
a more profound reversal of scientific fortunes than what has been emerging
in the "cold fusion" field. One of the most disputed anomalies in the history
of science is inexorably heading toward acceptance by the scientific ...
- Welcome to Equinox
Books & Occult Supplies: Witch, Wicca, Pagan, Occult, Magick Wed, 13 May
1998 02:29:24 GMT Click Here to Enter...
- Metaphysical Stores
Around The World Fri, 28 Aug 1998 00:01:04 GMT Metaphysical Stores
Around The World Member of the WebCircle Author: queen@monmouth.com (queen)
Last-change: August 27, 1998 by queen@monmouth.com (queen) Introduction This
is a list of metaphysical stores throughout the world. These stores are physical/r...
- Cornerstone Networks Internet Services
- moodswing.org - Online Resources
for People With Bipolar Disorder Advocacy Groups Bipolar Disorder FAQ
Bookstore Search Links Feedback moodswing.org is the home of the Bipolar Disorder
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file. The FAQ is a set of questions (and
answers) that deal with topics like th...
- Shining Lakes Grove, ADF Tue,
20 Apr 1999 05:02:53 GMT Welcome to the Shining Lakes Grove Web Page! SLG
Lughnasadh Festival - August 5-8, 1999 (It's never too early to plan ahead!)
NEW : Check out our FAQ lists ! (We've only got three so far, but more are
a'comin'! NEW : Our Regalia catalog is available on-...
- Divine
Mother Links Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:50:49 GMT Divine Mother Links Mother
Ammachi Hindu | Dark Goddess | Roman Catholic | Alternative Christian | Pagan
| Various Hindu Mother Ammachi's M.A. Center in California has a web page.
Here's another site for Mother Ammachi , my personal connection to t...
21 Apr 1999 01:34:05 GMT
- Mythopoeia The Making of Myths
Sun, 31 Mar 1996 23:43:02 GMT M YTHOPOEIA The Making of Myths All New Images
7 days To enter, follow your instincts: if something catches your eye, touch
it; if something draws you, go deeper. Join Our Mailing List People are Talking
Photographs © Suza Scalora An Interactive A...
- Mythopoeia The
Making of Myths Wed, 28 May 1997 20:35:22 GMT M YTHOPOEIA The Making
of Myths Color Therapy A New Web Experience To enter, follow your instincts:
if something catches your eye, touch it; if something draws you, go deeper.
Join Our Mailing List People are Talking Photographs © Suza Scalora An
- Aleister Crowley
(Humor!) from Black Tie Connoisseurs Club Cigar Celebration! Fri, 28 Jun
1996 16:41:10 GMT Aleister Crowley: Halloween in Cairo Excerpts from The
Wrapper, The Monthly Newsletter of The Black Tie Connoisseurs Club Cigar Celebration!
Dedicated to your cigar smoking enjoyment! Halloween in Cairo sounds scary
to me. Should I dress up as the Sphin...
- Welcome to Namgyal Monastery Online
Tue, 05 Jan 1999 20:26:22 GMT
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